Best Short Poetry Books

Short poetry books are like a little slice of heaven. They are perfect for when you need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Poetry is often underrated. Most people would rather stick to action based on real events or perhaps some original fiction. People want stories, yet poetry can follow the exact same standards. Poetry can go in more directions.

You can find poetry to relax your mind and soul, but also to improve your vocabulary. You can also find action in poetry, as well as an interesting approach to reading.

The Real Power of Poetry

This may be personal, but I consider poetry to be one of the most powerful and effective forms of self-therapy. A well-written poem or poetry collection will always have you significantly engage your senses and emotions, making the art very effective for connecting your mind, senses, and body as you read.

If you think about poem structure, especially for short poems, you can agree with me that it favours brevity. Still, the best poems succinctly capture detail and pass powerful messages. Poetry writing requires that the poet be highly cautious with word choices. This also includes the number of words used. A good poet strives to create an accurate snapshot of what they are feeling to make sure that the reader can reach their ideas for a genuine connection.

The best poems are usually written from the creator’s heart and are meant to bring out some form of emotion(s). They also should be raw and written to the point.

Poems are excellent forms of connection, and they possess powerful healing connections. This is why you will even find doctors, physicians, and psychotherapists using them as healing tools with their patients.

How We Call Short Poetry Books?

Chapbooks. These short books are 40-page collections and includes a smaller number of poems.

All in all, here are some of the best-rated short poetry books (or chapbooks) out there from the recent years.

What Are The Top Short Uplifting Poetry Books?

Blueprint, by Iulia David (2022)

Iulia’s poems in the Blueprint brim and ooze, not just liveliness but life. Their logic is what you need to get you ready for what’s to come. The poems are not just lines. They stream and originate deeply from their creator’s soul, which is what will have you moved and mutated to ride in light or darkness.

What I love in this book is that Iulia has also used imaginative truths and cellular forces that I feel makes the poems in this book timeless. They are brilliant and intricate puzzle boxes that yield treasurable insights from their core. They conjure real-life experiences and stir up thoughts and memories about childhood and passed time.

Iulia has brilliantly used her own language to navigate all the themes highlighted in every poem to make it relatable and leave you with something to ponder on. Blueprint has both comforting poems and some that will have you think about different issues, which is vital for passing new messages and voicing new concerns.

Some poems may be unsettling due to the issues discussed, but Iulia has excellently used them to get readers out of conditioned or conventional thinking. These ideas will be practical for developing a more acute feeling of empathy while you explore all you feel as you go through them. Blueprint is a masterpiece for life and a valuable entity for a fresh voice.

The Hill We Climb, by Amanda Gorman (2021)

Amanda Gorman became an international figure in January, 2021. She was chosen to become the youngest poet to deliver a reading at a presidential inauguration – Joe Biden’s inauguration. She also became the sixth poet to deliver the reading and she made an excellent first impression.

Her popularity skyrocketed straight away and for some good reasons. Amanda Gorman’s words captivated the whole world and brought hope to people. Citizens of the USA and people from all over the world saw desire and aspiration in her eyes.

The poem has been released in a book. Moreover, it is enriched with Oprah Winfrey’s foreword. The poem celebrates the USA and underlines how powerful poetry can be. It is not just a patriotic poem, but a poem of dreams and ambitions for anyone who reads it.

Poems for You and Me, by Ramesh Maharaj (2021)

This book is likely to bring peace to your soul, but also put you in a great mood. There are not less than 31 different poems out there and each of them will pleasantly surprise you. The book has been written with a clear purpose in mind – a single poem a day will enlighten your spirit and uplift your mind.

The poems are well written, but some of them also come with some hidden meanings. At the end of the day, they seem to recognize different difficulties in life that everyone goes through at some point or another. Many of the poems are written in a message style that will go straight to your heart.

Whether you are trying to relieve stress or you face some difficulties in your life, these poems can help you overcome all kinds of problems. They will positively influence you and help you make progress. Rhymes are beautiful and each poem ends with a straightforward message – the life lesson of the day.

The Poetry Pharmacy, by William Sieghart (2018)

This is one of the most inspiring short poetry collection out there. Short poetry has become a medication for the heart and soul over the past years. Poems are now used as spiritual ailments and William Sieghard has taken advantage of it. His book will give you all the prescription medications you need for your soul.

The book has been massively praised and not just over the Internet, but on radio and television as well. His prescriptions are obviously given with words, hidden meanings and direct messages. Whether you hit a rough patch or you feel like life is only throwing lemons at you, this book will heal your soul and put you back on track in no time.

The book is pocket-sized and can be taken anywhere, anytime. Spend your lunch break going through a poem and stress will magically go away. It makes no difference if you feel lonely or hopeless – there is definitely something in this book to ease the pain.

The Fire of Joy, by Clive James (2020)

This is the author’s last book before he passed away in 2019. Its title is inspired by the military and underlines the fact that collective power relies on individuals, but also the other way around. Just like the title, every poem has a meaning that will make you think twice about yourself, your beliefs and life.

The author has come up with a collection of English poems. Some of them relate to your heart. Others are about the present, not to mention the past. When taken altogether, they tell a wonderful story. Put in the same book, these poems will provide the energy and will to discover and learn.

Each poem has a meaning. Apart from the meaning, the author has also brought in some commentary. Comments go in more directions. Some of them are historical, while others are biographical. Enjoy these essays in miniature and take advantage of the author’s knowledge and experience – an experience that will not be forgotten.

Set Me on Fire, by Ella Risbridger (2019)

The author has been extremely generous with this book. It is one of the most touching short poetry books out there. Simply put, each poem will go straight to your heart. There is a poem for every feeling in the world, whether you are happy to be in love, sad about your life, lonely or stressed.

Get ready to discover a plethora of different authors in this book. It is practically a collection of fresh voices from all over the world. Feelings come first and you can tell from the format. Everything is intuitive, so you know precisely how each poem is going to affect you. The idea is fairly simple to understand – someone else has been in your situation too and they have managed to get over it.

Some of these poems are about eating. Some others are about kissing. Some of them target those who feel lonely. There are kind and encouraging words about breakups, new relationship, waiting, having and grieving. Bottom line, this book is about being alive and experiencing life as it is.

Milk and Honey, by Rupi Kaur (2015)

Poems are not necessarily about action or stories – instead, they often come with hidden meanings and they are mostly written for the heart. When you read a poem, you take your time. You focus on each word and you try to actually feel it, rather than read it. This book is a collection of poetry (with a bit of prose) about survival.

This is the type of book that will definitely help those who faced abuse, sadness, toxic relationships and despair. It is about loss, but it is also about love. Then, it has a high dose of femininity – remember, there are other people who have been in the same situation. You can do it too and this book is there to help.

Each of these poems has a purpose. Some of them will help you with pain. Some others will soothe your soul and handle heartache. The book takes you through some of the most bitter moments in life, but it also shows you that there is always sweetness around if you are willing to look for it.

The Lost Words, by Robert Macfarlane (2018)

This could be one of the best short poetry books for those who love life. Not only do words match like a glove and can enhance your spirit, but you will also find some stunning hand illustrations. This is not necessarily a poetry book, but a magic book. It celebrates life and wonder, as well as everything around you.

Moreover, depending on your age, this book could bring a different feeling. If you are young, get ready to discover words that slowly tend to disappear – kids’ childhood years are different now. If you are older, you will bring back some amazing memories from your childhood – think about dandelion, bramble or acorn. The book is about imagination and the joy associated with childhood years.

This poetry book aims to prevent the disappearance of old school childhood years. It celebrates nature and often relates to the calm and peaceful British countryside. The book is suitable for all ages and will most likely raise your inner spirit and enhance your moment. It will relieve stress and make you feel happy about who you are and what surrounds you.

Pillow Thoughts, by Courtney Peppernell (2017)

This is not the type of book you need if you are happy about everything in your life. It may put you off and make you feel a bit sad. Instead, this is a book for those with broken hearts. It is suitable for those who have been through bad relationships, toxic friendships and heartbreaking moments. For these people, the book will be a natural remedy.

Pillow Thoughts is an impressive collection of poetry, with a bit of prose here and there. Everything in the book relates to love and heartbreak. Moreover, raw emotions are described in a crystal clear manner. This is not the book to make you sad, but to help you understand that others have been through similar situations – you can and you will survive.

The book is split into two different sections – ideal when you actually need them. Get a brew and enjoy the natural healing process.

Final Thoughts on the Top Short Uplifting Poetry Books

Words indeed have power in them, and poems are excellent proofs. Poems are the way to go if you ever want to get into your feelings and get different perspectives about life. You will never go wrong with a good poem. That is why we have highlighted some short poetry collections that will get deep in your soul, spice up your life, encourage you, and give you life lessons.

In the end, these short poetry collections will mess with your feelings – no doubts about it. Some of them will encourage you, while others will push you from behind. Whether you need your soul soothed or you look after a stress relief solution, the above-mentioned books will make the difference.

Read more inspirational poetry book!

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