books on solar energy

Learn the most important aspects of solar energy for homes from knowledgeable books!

Undoubtedly, the sun is a powerful source of energy. It has enabled us to harness its power through solar panels making a notable and commendable difference on the planet. Despite some of its criticisms, solar energy proves that it can be highly beneficial, and solar battery storage systems complement solar technology making it an efficient source of clean energy.

How Solar Energy Works?

how solar energy works

What Are Some Important Aspects of Solar Energy?

  1. Solar energy is a clean and renewable resource that can be used to power homes and businesses.
  2. Solar energy is free once you have installed the necessary equipment, making it a cost-effective option for long-term energy needs.
  3. Before switching to solar energy you should learn the different types of solar panels (like Poly-SI,  TFSC or CdTe) and how to properly maintain them.
  4. Solar panel technology has come a long way in recent years, there are several old and new technologies.

To become more aware of solar energy capabilities, we must educate ourselves on aspects that pertain to and propel its usage, for instance, through books on solar energy.

They have different insights and paint a picture we may not be familiar with, so I have put together a list of must-read books to broaden your mind. It combines books with ideas for understanding solar energy, system installation, technical bits, and thoughts on the future of solar energy.

What Are The Most Informative Books on Solar Energy (For Homes)?

Solar Panels, by Jon Nelsen (2022)

This book is a thorough discussion of how solar panels can be beneficial in our homes. Jon Nelsen identifies as a solar consultant and is well versed in solar energy matters. You can be sure you will receive essential insights. He primarily makes a case for the financial benefits of solar power but includes others, such as environmental ones.

At its peak, this book is a thrust of how solar panels can save you money on electricity, why the best time to go solar is now, and how you can increase your home’s value and cash flow from government-funded solar energy.

I like how Jon refutes common solar misconceptions and myths to show precisely why solar energy can assist us in living better.

I recommend this book if you constantly question the need for solar energy or ignore its worth. Probably due to thinking about the costs, lacking enough power supply, or technological thought constraints.


Freeing Energy, by Bill Nussey (2021)

Freeing Energy is a book for you if you care about the future of clean energy and its relevant parties like policymakers, utility leaders, startups, investors, families, and communities.

The journey towards transitioning to clean energy is moving languidly and is caught up in outdated systems. However, this book provides a new and faster way that is equitable, cheap, and dependable.

Solar energy and small battery systems have challenged the old centralized electric grid. These systems are based on moving technology, not fuels, making them even more viable. New innovators and competitive markets also make them easier to finance, build, clean, and create more employment opportunities.

I love how Bill uncovers the patterns of the technologies he talks about using a functional off-grid farm, a rural school, and a business model that illustrates how clean energy can be revolutionary.

This diversity only shows that these systems can work. He has also gained insights from brilliant visionaries to build his thought framework.

After reading this book, you will start to reconsider your grid mindset for energy transition.


Selling Solar, by Daniel Howson (2021)

If you are interested in starting solar sales, this book is for you. Selling Solar is thoughtful and well organized to help determine whether you can make a meaningful solar energy career.

The solar industry is growing, giving viable opportunities for anyone ready to capitalize on it.

While skills required to make sales like prospecting, good presentations, and deal closure techniques are vital, the solar industry demands sellers to be competent and possess specific abilities to be top performers, as you will discover.

I love that this book has insights from someone who has worked for various solar companies at different levels. This is not just a book on “how to,” but it is a guide on how you can develop the knowledge, skills, and mindset for creating an excellent solar career.

You will find out why it is crucial to find the right company to work for, what consumers want, how to build quick and reliable trust and credibility, and provide solar benefits to clients.


Off Grid Solar Power Simplified, by Nick Seghers (2020)

Figuring out how to make solar power work can be tricky, especially if you are blank about electricity. But this book has simplified the details.

It details the necessary energy units and formulas for building a solar system, the required tools, the right wires and dimensions for an effective system, and how to avoid painful solar mistakes.

You also get insights into how to protect your installation from catching fire, the best solar panel sizes and batteries for optimizing solar input, photovoltaics types, solar inverters, safe car alternator solar battery charging, the heart of every solar system, and much more.

Nick is an electrical engineer whose main area of specialization is solar power design. I feel he has done an excellent job explaining what many people don’t know about the electrical bits for solar installers and users.


Mobile Solar Power Made Easy, by William Errol Prowse IV (2017)

Did you know that you can create a mobile solar design? This book will teach you how to add a solar system to your car, RV, trailer, van, or boat.

I like how William has detailed step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow without skipping even the most superficial details. This book has everything you need as a beginner, intermediate, or advanced solar expert. The book features the methods required for calculating a solar system and has tips and tricks for saving money and time with your solar creation.

You can read the entire book or use it as a reference point, and the pictures make the process more manageable.

William has not made this topic difficult to understand or mind-numbing. Instead, he keeps every detail simple and fun. The humor was good for me since I don’t like having a hard time reading about sterile technical information.


Solar Power for Beginners, by Paul Holmes (2020)

Are you looking for a book that can help you install solar panels? Or, do you want more guidance on how to find and purchase the required materials or the resources you need? If yes, this book will come in handy. Paul has used a language that is easy to understand but has also taken care not to make it demeaning. This is like a DIY solar energy book with basic rules and terms for setting up a solar energy system.

The book starts with the basics and then proceeds to talk about panel size and orientation. You will learn about the number of solar panels required for output, placement, and whether you can exclusively use solar. I found the list of manufacturers especially helpful, and the guide on inverters and how to work out ideal ratios also valuable.

If you have minimal knowledge about solar energy and electricity or are entirely blank, you will learn enough to be confident when dealing with professionals. The practical applications will be more apparent once you purchase and connect your panel(s).


Solar Energy, by Arno Smets (2016)

Since we have highlighted books for those who want to learn about solar energy and panels on their own, we thought we should include something for anyone studying or specializing in solar. Solar Energy has more technicalities and focuses on them up to the molecular level.

The book covers the physics of photovoltaics and how to design PV systems for actual applications. It has the fundamentals of semiconductor solar cell principles and covers PV modules, crystalline silicon solar cells, and thin film cells. It also discusses vital PV system components, performance, and design deployment.

I highly recommend this book if you are a solar energy generation researcher, designer, or industrial engineer. It will also be handy if you study third-level physics or an engineering course on solar photovoltaics. It has helpful exercises to reinforce learning.


Taming the Sun, by Varun Sivaram (2018)

In Taming the Sun, Varun appreciates that solar energy has turned out to be a cheap and fast-growing source of power and that it has substantial and nearly limitless potential. However, he paints a picture that there is a need for different solutions and approaches. Why? Because as per his observations, we are not yet fully equipped to harness sunshine to meet most energy requirements.

If the sun’s current surge dwindles, the prospects we have about replacing fossil fuels and preventing catastrophic climate change might have less favorable outcomes.

Varun further gives hope that innovation can brighten these prospects. He discusses how financial, technological, and systemic innovations can help channel solar energy.

We need visionary public policies, funding for future researchers, curating clean energy portfolios, and refashioning economic markets and energy systems to unleash these innovations. Solar may not power the whole planet exclusively, but it can be the focal point for a worldwide clean energy revolution.

I liked how Varun highlights an issue and suggests solutions because that is how solar energy visionaries can jog their minds and develop effective strategies.


Final Thoughts on Solar Energy Books For Homes

The above solar energy books will show you the power and potential solar energy has for global benefits. They have something for everyone, whether you are directly or indirectly involved in solar practices or systems.

Related: Elon Musk books, renewable energy entrepreneur and business personality.

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