best Christian theology books

Theology is a lifelong journey, and there’s always more to explore.

Your knowledge about God shapes your beliefs, shaping a significant part of your life, purpose, and interactions. Studying theology entails studying God, and the Scripture and theology books are practical in depicting how to live with an understanding of who God is, as the Bible says, and his truths.

They challenge Christ’s followers to grow closer to God, and they can also be eye-openers for non-Christians. They also help understand how God deals with humanity and other creation aspects.

Below is a selection for different theological studies and purposes.

What Are The Best Christian Theology Books?

Evidence of God, by Surosh Shafihie (2021)

Evidence of God is precisely what the title suggests, and it is more about the doctrine of creation. God is the former and giver of existence to everything that is outside of himself. This book will make you look at God’s creation with a new perspective to become even more confident that God exists and lives. It will remove any doubt once and for all while creating a new sense of revelation for you.

You will also be in awe of God and become more hopeful about life. Surosh highlights straightforward observations about nature, and he talks about his beliefs. They are not weighed down by confusing analogies, subjective opinions, or terminology.

Many opposing views exist about creation and how things came to be. But reading this theology book will show you the different symmetries of God’s creation and answer any conflicting questions you may have or believe about creation. You will become more aware of God’s grace and existence.

Called to Preach, by Steven J. Lawson (2022)

Spreading God’s word is the highest responsibility man will ever receive. The church is more robust when God’s word is faithfully proclaimed. It, therefore, needs preachers who can preach with power and precision. Preachers who won’t displace sound theology with culturally acceptable soundbites. Preachers who can share the gospel and be inspirational sources for the church to live godly lives.

Steven gives in-depth biblical analysis and uses inspiring church history examples. He paints a picture of magnifying God’s glory and reclaiming the epitome of biblical preaching for generations to come through faithful preaching. He also gives advice and guidance from his experience in the ministry.

Aspiring preachers will discover if they are called to preach and make out the required ministry qualifications through this theology book. Called to Preach will helps those in ministry with creating, enhancing, and delivering solid expository sermons to illuminate God’s word in a dark world.

After the Rapture, by David Jeremiah (2022)

After the Rapture paints a picture of what will happen once Christians are out of the earth. It is also a wake-up call, guide, and witnessing tool for nonbelievers. One day and very soon everybody everywhere will wonder what will have happened. It will be the time for the Rapture.

But these events should not be unexplainable mysteries. The upcoming Rapture will fulfill a biblical prophecy that Bible-believing Christians have eagerly awaited since Jesus’s ascension.

Many are ready, but more aren’t, and there is a lot of confusion about the Rapture and what will follow even for those who will be in the air with Christ.

This theology book gets into details about what the Rapture means, and it has sections about Judgment Day and the Great Tribulation. It offers information to clear up any confusion and get ready for the return of Christ. David also compellingly shares Jesus with those who don’t believe. You will find Scripture verses and helpful questions and answers applicable in life.

The Christ Key, by Chad Bird (2021)

Once you read the Old Testament, it comes out as an exploration of an old, mysterious mansion full of strange rooms. You find the creation room, which is sublime as it is vast. The exodus room which comprises dried-up seas and hardhearted pharaohs. The war room which contains crumbling walls and bloody swords. The tabernacle room which has dark inner sanctums and smoking altars.

But what exactly does this ancient and odd world have to do with us? Apparently, everything.

Each chapter in the Old Testament in different ways has a story culminating in Jesus the Messiah. What today’s Christians refer to as the Old Testament is what the earliest believers and Jesus himself called the Scriptures. It was their Bible.

Early believers taught about the Messiah’s divine nature, evangelistic work, and salvation ministry. Chad introduces readers to the old books with ever-new Jesus testimonies. You will even see Leviticus in a new perspective as a book of mercy and grace and hear the voice of Christ in the Psalms. The Christ Key depicts how every book in the Bible builds upon the ones before it.

Bible Doctrine, by Wayne A. Grudem (2022)

How do you know that the Bible is God’s Word? What does sin mean, and where did it originate? How is Jesus entirely God and fully man? What do spiritual gifts mean? When and how will Christ return? If these questions have crossed your mind, then systematic theology is not anything abstract. It is a strategy to answer what Christians need to know.

This second edition by Wayne covers the essentials of faith and gives a firm grasp on different topics- the doctrines of God’s word, God, Man, Christ, redemption application, the church, and the future. The book answers some of the most pressing theological questions in an easy-to-understand manner.

It has new and well-thought critiques of open theism, Molinism, free grace, and the new perspective on Paul. It also has details about the creation, evolution, and how biblical inerrancy applies to some of the “problematic” verses in the Gospels.

In addition, it has material that respectfully explains evangelical Protestant differences with Protestant liberalism, Roman Catholicism, and Mormonism and a profound discussion on the Son’s eternal submission to the Father.

Why Believe?, by Neil Shenvi (2022)

For many decades, skeptics have disputed Christianity’s claims, like believing in an eternal God and Jesus Christ’s resurrection. These individuals argue that these are not acceptable issues for reasonable people. Moreover, the efforts to demystify the evidence and practical groundwork for Christianity through apologetics are often considered too simple for serious undertakings in intellectual circles.

In Why Believe? Neil engages various contemporary arguments against Christianity and presents crucial evidence for Jesus’ identity as the Gospels portray, his death and coming back to life, God’s existence, and the peculiar message of the gospel.

This book calls readers to accept Christianity as true and advocates for people to entrust their lives to Christ while worshiping him alone. It is an excellent resource for Christians to strengthen and defend their faith and beliefs and an accessible pathway for non-Christians to understand the Christian faith and challenge their presuppositions.

Do You Believe?, by Paul David Tripp (2021)

The doctrine or what Christians believe influences their lives. The biblical truths about God, humanity, and the universe are not just about learning more. These truths are also about loving God and understanding current and future life. But what happens if there exists a disparity between the confessions of believers and how they lead their lives?

In this theology book, Paul looks closely at twelve doctrines for living as a Christian- how they involve and transform someone’s heart and mind. Paul says that true belief should always be lived by relating these doctrines to God, his character, and his works. He unpacks every doctrine and illustrates its relevance to a Christian’s life.

Readers will explore topics like God’s doctrine, His holiness, and the doctrine of Scripture and be fueled to stand in awe and fall deeply in love with the creator and father. The book also talks about why it is essential to put the truth of God’s word on display for everyone to see.

50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith, by Gregg R. Allison (2018)

This theology book is a single resource that puts together clear teachings about the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity. It covers the foundational principles of God’s nature and works, the Bible, creation, and Jesus and also has insights on the Holy Spirit, the church, what salvation is and means, and the end times. Every chapter illustrates and guides readers on how to teach and apply the discussed doctrines today.

Christian doctrine is something the church must confess and should be taught across generations. It is an authentic belief and actual practice, and the church is responsible for constructing and transmitting good theology.

Gregg helps readers understand why biblical convictions have come about throughout history. He presents his arguments and evidence for different views in an evenhanded way while displaying Christian charity and clarity.

Each chapter has a one-page snapshot of its content, including a summary, central theme, and critical Scriptures. You will understand doctrine through affirmations and biblical support and learn some errors associated with certain principles. The enacting doctrine makes a case for teaching stakes to minimize, marginalize, and repudiate doctrines.

Final Thoughts on Christian Theology Books

Christian theology books are instrumental tools for digging deeper and understanding more about who God is and living in Christ.

Whether you are looking for an introduction to theology or a more in-depth study, there is a book in this article that is perfect for you. Take some time to browse through the options and find the perfect one for your next read.

If you feel drawn toward theology, and want to edify, or glorify God’s Triune, you can also read some of the following Christian memoirs, or Christian mindfulness books.

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