The Blackshade Machine: Original Design

The Blackshade Machine Book 1

A personal message from the author:

I’m writing this series to challenge myself, my creativity, and to have some fun with fringe science/theories. It’s fun to world build and make up strange yet believable reasons for why humanity is the way it is. Why do we have allergies? Why do we sleep? Why are we so poorly suited to live on Earth?

I hope as a person reads my stories it challenges them a little to think a little bit outside the box, and, of course, I hope they really enjoy it.

–William D. Latoria

Colonel Blackshade has been a Candaerican military officer his entire adult life. He loves his country, tolerates most of the population, and finds comfort in his daily routine.

Then the aliens appeared and twisted the course of his life into a knot.

Blackshade must appease the extraterrestrial visitors while simultaneously keeping the worst aspects of humanity’s population in check.

Should he fail, extermination, enslavement, and obliteration are all very real possibilities.

…this is a story of discovery, science, and survival…
…this is also a story about humanity striving to reach its full potential…
…but whether that potential is for the betterment of the species, or its desolation, has yet to be determined.

By admin

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