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It’s always a wonderful occasion when two huge names in dance music join forces. That’s just what happened when R3HAB and Laidback Luke released their first ever track together “Weekend on a Tuesday” last month. Despite their deep roots in dance music and both being from the Netherlands, the two legendary producers had never collaborated together.

Enter “Weekend on a Tuesday;” a thoroughly modern dance track featuring moody, distorted vocals over a club-ready bassline and beat. The release also launches anotherblock – a transparent music royalty NFT marketplace, where every holder of “Weekend On A Tuesday” NFT will get a share of streaming revenues from the single.

We got the chance to have a chat with the R3HAB (Fadil El Ghoul) and Laidback Luke (Lucas Van Scheppingen) about their latest track, their recent NFT venture, getting back out on the road and music trends. Interview below.

Hey Fadil, hey Luke! Thanks so much for talking with us. First off, tell us about the song “Weekend on a Tuesday.” How did it come about? Was it something you guys got in the studio together? And, why has it taken so long for you guys to work together on a track?

R3HAB: “Luke and I have known each other for years and are constantly crossing paths at festivals around the globe. The connection has always been there, but the right moment and record didn’t come until ‘Weekend On A Tuesday’. We feel like it was worth the wait.”

Laidback Luke: “Thank you for having us! It was a demo I had laying around for a little bit. I had been in love with the vocal but honestly was kind of stuck with the project. We had been in touch with R3Hab and his team and it felt like the right track to propose to him. I’m not sure why it has taken so long for us to work together, we’ve known each other for a really long time! I’m very thankful it finally happened.”

What types of songs and musicians have been inspiring you guys lately? What musical trends have you each been noticing? I feel like there is a lot of nostalgia out there lately.

R: “Speaking of nostalgia, I really enjoy flipping older songs into a fresh version infused with the current sounds of the dance space. Those older songs keep on inspiring me, especially the songs I grew up with that I still listen to on a daily basis. I continue finding new melody, topline and production approaches by just listening.”

LL: “I think we see nostalgia everywhere nowadays. It might just be a safe space for people to grab back to and to experience the present modern times through a solidified lens like that. With me it’s all about a vibe at the moment. I’m trying to combine tech house beats with playful and crazy sounds which is typically a throwback-origin-Dutch-house type of sound.”

How does it feel to be back out touring and playing festivals? Does it feel like we’re back to normal out there yet?

R: “There’s nothing like the energy of an open air festival in the summer, and more importantly, seeing all the people smiling and enjoying the music. In the end, I make music for my fans, so it feels insanely good to play in front of them again.”

LL: “It feels so so nice being amongst people again and feeding off of that live energy! The touring is still not there where it used to be for me, but honestly, it’s just right for where I’m at at this moment in time, trying to balance life and touring out properly this time.”

Not to get too into the weeds on it, but “Weekend on a Tuesday” allows fans to earn streaming revenue on the track through an NFT marketplace. Can you give us just a brief explanation of how it works and what attracted you guys to NFTs as well?

R: “This is both of our first NFT project, and we are so excited that it sold out in its first hour. There are many different kinds of NFTs on the market right now, but I am most excited for the potential of royalty sales like this one. Essentially, fans get to invest in their favorite artists and are rewarded when a record succeeds. In a world where you can buy a lot of things that you can’t touch or hear, I’m excited to offer something that you get to own and hold onto forever.”

LL: “In anotherblock’s case, these NFTs carry a real world value, with streaming rights attached to it, that enable the holders to receive income when streamed- alongside the artists. So when the track generates income due to streams, the NFT holders also receive a part of this income. With this NFT we give the buyers a possibility to be an integral part our ‘Weekend On A Tuesday’ project. And that’s also what attracts me to NFTs, that sense of being a bigger part of something, rather than just simply consuming the product.”

It’s crazy to think that it’s almost September and festival season is winding down. What do each of you have planned for the rest of the year and what can fans look forward to?

R: “I have a few long awaited collaborations planned, which I’m really looking forward to. I’ve got more on the way that, like Luke, are pillars in the dance world.”

LL: “There’s a few things up in the air for the rest of the year. But, this year has all been about the last minute bookings for me, so let’s see what comes up. Definitely lining up for Amsterdam Dance Event again though!”

Each of you has been in this scene for a long time. What keeps you guys motivated as artists and how do you keep evolving to stay fresh?

R: “This is more than just a job, producing and DJing is what I get the most energy from. I feel like I would keep up with both, even if I hadn’t reached this level. In the end, this is an inner motivation, fueled by the love of dance fans around the world.”

LL: “My constant mindstate is: ‘The best is yet to come’, even now! It’s a tricky one because it doesn’t make you very present, but it sure keeps that fire burning.”

Any words or advice for the fans?

R: “Keep dancing, keep smiling, stay happy and healthy.”

LL: “Make sure to bring that ‘Weekend On A Tuesday’ mentality, out to the weekend!”

Check out the latest from R3HAB and Laidback Luke, “Weekend on a Tuesday,” out now on CYB3RPVNK.

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