best lgbtq nonfiction books

There is no one way to be LGBTQ. There is no one way to tell a story to others. And there is no one LGBTQ book that can encapsulate the entire experience.

The LGBTQ community covers a plethora of different groups within the gay community. In use since the 1990s, this concept has gained more and more notoriety, providing more freedom and less judgment than ever.

LGBTQ non-fiction books can be educational, but they can also reveal some secrets about the community and what certain concepts actually mean.

All in all, here are some of the best-rated LGBTQ non-fiction books for celebrating the Pride Month.

What Are The Best LGBTQ Non-Fiction Books?

My Life on Purpose, by Jack Castiglione (2022)

LGBTQ political and social activism

Sometimes, the people you expect nothing from end up changing the world. There are times when shy and nerdy kids end up becoming LGBTQ rights heroes and this is exactly what this book is about. At first, he started working in collaboration with the police department.

Then, he ended up supporting the gay community. With time, he helped the local council eliminate hate crimes from Long Beach, California. It was a tough challenge, but with time, gay bashing became a thing of the past, not to mention crime against the LGBTQ community.

As if all these were not enough, he spent six years assisting patients suffering from aids at a local hospital. Things went even further, and he battled to confront the Catholic Church over its position against the LGBTQ community.

Social equality is, therefore, a must. He has managed to show that life is not all about one community or the other. Instead, it is about inclusion, regardless of gender, color, or sexual orientation. His intense work has also been appreciated by President Barack Obama.

All Boys Aren’t Blue, by George Matthew Johnson (2020)

Coming out stories, LGBTQ social issues

This book is not a manifesto. It is not a biography either. Instead, it could be described as a collection of essays, personal opinions, and ideas that have managed to reshape an individual. Coming from a prolific journalist with a huge experience in activism, this book speaks for a lot of people.

The author explores a series of happenings from his childhood, as well as things that have helped reshape his adolescence. He moves on to his years in college as well – all these things around New Jersey and Virginia.

Some of the memories are not too exciting – getting kicked out by bullies, for instance. Some others are more enjoyable – flea marketing with the grandmother or perhaps the first sexual relationship. Some would describe this book as a memoir.

All in all, this book covers a wide variety of topics. Some of them discuss gender identity. Some others relate to harmful masculinity. Family, brotherhood, and social marginalization are not to be overlooked either. The writing style is straightforward and extremely appealing.

Sister Outsider, by Audre Lorde (2007)

Black lesbian women’s perspective

This is one of the best-rated LGBTQ non-fiction books out there and covers an interesting array of subjects. It is not a new book and has managed to become classic overtime. It consists of 15 different essays.

The essays were written in the 1970s and the 1980s. Some of them may say they are no longer actual, but they are. They show what life was like back then and what sexual confusion felt like when there was no support whatsoever. It also shows how far the world has come to tackle all these issues.

The book illuminates the actual development of the author. It reveals her concerns about life. At that time, even writing a book put her in an absolute minority. Throw in the race, sex, and economic status, and you have a certain victim.

This book will open your eyes and make you feel lucky about living in the community you are part of today. It is detailed and analyzes both good and bad concepts regarding the LGBTQ community – definitely, a must read.

Redefining Realness, by Janet Mock (2014)

LGBTQ memoir

Janet Mock gained notoriety in 2011, when she proudly stepped forward and decided to show up as who she really is – a trans woman. She ended up in Marie Claire, and that article turned her into one of the most prominent figures for the LGBTQ community – a community that actually needed a leader.

Back in the day, Janet Mock was her parents’ first son, but she quickly realized that she was trapped in the wrong body. She missed many things that could have helped her thrive – money and education, for example. She navigated through her adolescence with no guidance whatsoever, but just friends.

This memoir is one of the top-rated LGBTQ books for adults because it evokes the author’s growth into a new identity. It all started while she was still young – hormones at 15 and even surgery at only 18. She shares her experience with incredible honesty in order to help others in the same situation.

Despite all the hardships, Janet Mock has managed to move to New York City and continue her education, but also find a career. Life turned out well when she found the man of her dreams – a real statement coming from a woman who has beaten all obstacles to obtain what she deserves.

Why Be Happy when You Could Be Normal?, by Jeanette Winterson (2013)

LGBTQ memoir

This is a tough book expressing the search for a new identity. It is one of those LGBTQ non-fiction books that could inspire you to become who you want to be, find a new home, start a new life and even find the love of your life – simple as that.

Jeanette Winterson is better known for her novels – some of them carrying bestselling titles. But then, this book is different and may surprise her audience. It is a deep memoir about the struggles to find happiness – better said, about life, with ups and downs.

The book brings in a bunch of different stories from her personal life. It shows some of the hardships she had to go through, such as being locked out of the home and sitting on the doorstep overnight. It shows how a super religious mother can change a kid’s life, but it also shows how crazy the world can become.

She spent her adolescence growing up in an industrial town that failed to embrace those who were different back then – obviously, everything is different these days. The book is sad at times but also has a twitch and can feel funny. More importantly, it is a motivational masterpiece that could help others.

Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, by Lillian Faderman (2012)

LGBTQ lesbian history

These days, you can get a fine from the police for being aggressive towards the LGBTQ community. You can get arrested and may even lose your job. There is more inclusion than ever these days, but things have changed a lot lately.

Back in the 20th century, it was a completely different approach. This book tells the story of what lesbian life was back then. It tells the story of hiding in the 1990s or facing people’s whispers, as well as the story of what the LGBTQ community has become today.

The book relies on a series of elements that describe the evolution of life – from memoirs and journals to secret manuscripts and even news. She narrates the lesbian life, which is quite different from what most people would expect.

In the Dream House, by Carmen Maria Machado (2020)

LGBTQ memoir, domestic abuse

This is one of the LGBTQ books for adults that could teach you a lesson or two, especially if you struggle in such a relationship. For many years, the author has tried to express her experiences in a same sex relationship, and she has finally done it.

The memoir is candid and surprising at times. It could be sad, but it might as well make you laugh with tears. Now, this is not the type of positive book that will motivate you, but a book describing the abuse one may get in the same sex relationship.

The topic is definitely difficult, but it is approached with inventiveness and a positive spirit. It is educational and shows that things could always go right or wrong. Sometimes, it is all about how you build your lifestyle.

Sissy, by Jacob Tobia (2019)

LGBTQ memoir

This book is an eye-opening memoir and what confusion means. It is an exceptional book for those who are not sure whether they are boys, girls, something different, or perhaps everything in one person. It is a book about confusion and the will to identify yourself.

Born a man, the author realized that none of the misconceptions associated with masculinity would suit – from sports and cargo shorts to aggressive behavior. He was everything else, so he was immediately labeled as a sissy.

This book is about battling stereotypes and convincing people that some of the things they believe in have no foundation whatsoever. Find out how to succeed, but also how to embrace who you truly are without any fears about consequences.

Final Thoughts on the best LGBTQ Non-Fiction Books

Bottom line, these LGBTQ non-fiction books can give you an insight into life. Whether you are still in the closet, out there, or not even gay, these books will teach you a thing or two about life that can seriously prove useful in the long run.​

Discover also the best LGBTQ poetry books!

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