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Last night USA time, Flume hosted an Ask Me Anything in his Discord, Hi This Is Flume. In addition to the myriad questions he answered over the course of about an hour and a half (in voice chat, it appears, so we don’t have the written answers here), fans were also surprised when they asked about the status of one of his old IDs, “Greenpeace,” and he responded by casually providing a download link to the song.

The ID was originally written as part of a campaign with Greenpeace Australia Pacific back in 2017, which only featured about 90 seconds of audio. Turns out, the full project is a staggering eight and a half minutes.

“Cant believe this is how we get Greenpeace,” wrote KillerCh33z.

“Absolutely unreal. I’ve been eagerly waiting for this song to drop for YEARS, and here we are just in time to see him at Red Rocks. What a dream,” wrote petriscorncob.

/u/Professional_Art8661 uploaded the song to YouTube (below). Since the song was never officially released, it’s unclear if it will eventually receive a takedown from a label so you can download it here. Though, it’s also unclear if the download link will stay up forever, either, so act quickly.

Flume also shared a second ID in the Discord, “GET U STEP,” which you can download and listen to here.


h/t TSIS

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