How I Learned to Like My Mom: Forgive Those You Love ... Before It's Too Late

Forgive Those You Love … Before It’s Too Late

A personal message from the author:

It’s an awful position to be in–asked to give a eulogy for a person you loved but seriously disliked. The person was my mother, and the reason for my disdain was my traumatic childhood of alcohol, abuse, divorce, neglect, and poverty.

I offer my story of healing and forgiveness as I discovered, albeit too late, that the mother I had disapproved of all my life was actually a pretty remarkable, and admirable person … I just had to get to know her.

I hope to convince others that forgiveness is the key to personal healing, and that the best way to move forward is to pick yourself up by your bootstraps!

–Dorenda Doyle

She drank too much, parented too little, and married 7 men! She was beautiful, talented, wrote country songs, and just happened to be my mother. 

Can you love someone but not Like them? Can you forgive what you can’t forget? Is it ever too late?

Set in the Midwest, this Tears to Cheers Memoir details my journey through a traumatic childhood of alcohol, abuse, divorce, neglect and poverty. But it also details the life of a resilient woman who battled her own demons, the prejudices of the last century, gender discrimination, and plain old bad luck, all while trying to raise 4 kids with little to no resources.

Don’t despair … healing is possible when forgiveness is present.

Forgive Those You Love … Before It’s Too Late

I offer my story of healing and forgiveness as I discovered that my mom was actually a pretty likable, remarkable, and admirable person … I just had to get to know her.

This memoir is for anyone who had a difficult or traumatic childhood due to an alcoholic, abusive mom or parent. Most especially, this book is for anyone who has someone to forgive what you can’t forget. To forgive your mom (or parent), heal yourself, and to find peace is priceless. My book is a clean adult nonfiction or juvenile nonfiction (ages 16 and up) biography for women and men, and is suitable for a teen, young adult, or adult. The subjects of elder abuse, substance abuse, child abuse, parenting, marriage, and health & daily living are all addressed.

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