As much as many photographers — even some in the photography journalism world — want them to be, DSLRs and other types of cameras, including film cameras aren’t dead and releases from Pentax — and soon possibly Leica, prove this.

Influencers, journalists working in photography, and YouTubers can be a funny old bunch. You’d think those working in the industry would do everything possible to promote photography.

Because of this, it would be reasonable to think that said people would champion photography and all of the available devices for creators to use; however, this isn’t always the case. Many out there will crap all over other photographers because of the type of camera they use. In fact, it’s become so bad that photography is more toxic than ever.

The curious case of modern photographers


There are many ‘photographers’ who actively put down others for using one type of camera over another — mirrorless vs. DSLR, for instance — however, it’s pretty clear to see that those who champion the death of DSLRs because ‘mirrorless is superior’ are nothing more than tech fiends rather than professional photographers. You see, a real photographer would never shun a camera. Period.

A camera is just a tool that allows us to capture and create in the environment that surrounds us. It doesn’t matter if that camera is a DSLR, a point-and-shoot, mirrorless, or a film camera. Real photographers will embrace the technology in front of them unless they have an inferiority complex or can’t be seen as not keeping up with everyone else.

Different folks, different strokes

Now, to be clear, I’m not saying those that use mirrorless cameras make up this entire category. The notion that one type of camera is better than others works in all ways. Some photographers crap on those who use mirrorless cameras. I know DSLR shooters who crap on everyone. I even know film elitists who think anything digital and those who use digital cameras are the scourge of the world. And so many photographers look down their noses at creators who use their smartphones! Oh, the horror!

This problem runs deep, and it needs to stop. At the end of the day, all everyone wants to do is create. So, what difference does it make if someone else prefers one type of camera to another? Go and tell Ricoh that their Pentax DSLRs are dead. I can tell you they’re not. The K-3 III (read our review here) has been an enormous seller for them. Go and tell Leica that film cameras are dead. I’m sure they’ll laugh in your face after telling you they’re about to release a new film camera. It’s different strokes for different folks. Just let everyone be.

Many cameras are alive and well


If you honestly believe that a specific type of camera or a camera platform is dead, you’re ignorant, and you should take a long hard look at yourself and your motives for being in the field.

If you’re into photography for the tech, cool. Go about your business, but zip your trap about others and what they choose to use. Suppose you’re into photography because of the vibes that film photography gives you. Great! But, don’t put down others because they choose to use their smartphone or a DSLR. Do you get my drift here?

Be you, but stop trying to force your views on gear onto others who don’t care about ‘dem film tonez,’ ‘the thousands of autofocus points that a camera has, or that you think the sound of a DSLR mirror slapping shut is the pinnacle of photography. Let everyone be who they want to be and support them in their photography endeavors online and in person. Leave your toxicity at the door when you enter forums or are out and about with others. There’s simply no need for it.

At the end of the day, while we love cameras, photography isn’t about cameras. Photography is about capturing light and letting others see how you feel and see the world around you. The art form is about capturing candid and fleeting moments that would otherwise be forgotten and missed. It’s about capturing the essence of a person and the grandeur of the world around us.

Remember that a camera is just what you use to create your photographs. It doesn’t define who you are, and a camera doesn’t make you a better photographer compared to someone who uses a different brand or type of camera. So, calm down, chill out, and just enjoy photography, and let others enjoy the art regardless of what type of camera they use.

Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

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