best adhd books

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing ADHD, and the best way to find what works for you is to try different techniques and strategies from ADHD books.

The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may often be considered a mental disorder, yet it can be kept under control. The lack of education can make it extremely challenging, but research and patience will lead you in the right direction – whether one of your loved family members suffers from it or you have to struggle with it on a daily basis.

Medication isn’t the only or the best treatment, we need to fully understand what happens behind the curtains. As News Medical’s research pointed out, young adult with ADHD 69% more likely to have substance use disorder (SUD). This foster us to dig a deeper in this phenomenon.

Here are some of the best ADHD books to help you understand the affection, symptoms and what you can do to gain control back.

What Are The Best ADHD Books?

ADHD 2.0, by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. and John J. Ratey M.D.

Today most of the people heard more or less about ADHD, they realize when they meet somebody with this mental illness. But we can go further some of the famous entrepreneurs attribute their success and creativity to ADHD. So when we are speaking about this as a disease we need to admin the picture isn’t that simple.

The recent researches and developments show clearer picture about ADHD and how it really works. The two authors put these new findings in this new book. They ultimately want to minimize the downsides and maximize the benefits of ADHD for this purpose they offer a wide range of practical strategies.

New researches helps to clearly understand the ADHD mind, this makes ADHD 2.0 unique among other ADHD books.

The Myth of Normal, by Máté Gábor and Dániel Máté

Gabor Mate has a unique world view that projects physiological and emotional treatment of childhood traumas on the first place.

The book isn’t focusing on ADHD but the real causes behind ADHD which is stress. The author states that ADHD is a form of reaction of childhood traumatic events since parents are living in a high stress environment in todays society. According to Mate, ADHD is not a biological disorder, but rather prolonged exposure to stress without adequate support from caregivers.

In an interview with Sandor Friderikusz Mate, he said that leaving crying small children alone, in order to learn falling asleep is against human nature. For example chimpanzees would never leave their children alone, they bring them wherever they go and they always sleep together.

We have a lot of disbelief today, that only time could prove that they are wrong, and this could be also with the drug treatment of ADHD.

ADHD Go: Treatment & Self-Coaching, by Eric Anderson

Eric Anderson’s guide will teach you how to go beyond the signs and symptoms associated with ADHD. It will teach you how to come up with your own plan to handle the symptoms and achieve your goals without letting the disorder affect your quality of life.

The book has been written for those suffering from ADHD, but not only – it is just as attractive for those who need to clarify their intentions, improve their lives and build awareness. Both mild and moderate cases of ADHD can be handled with self-coaching and this is exactly what Eric Anderson is trying to do.

Whether you have just been diagnosed with the affection or you just need to change some behaviors, this book will educate you on how to reprogram your brain. Given its effectiveness, it is also used as a primary source for multiple online courses trying to tackle the disorder.

The End of Mental Illness, by Daniel G. Amen

This book is a bestseller and not necessarily because it does a good job for those suffering from ADHD, but also because it tackles multiple mental conditions – bipolar, PTSD, anxiety, addictions, depression and many others in this range.

Such affections keep gaining in notoriety. But with all these, the treatments associated with them have not changed too much. The success rate is relatively low, while the stigma of such issues can be devastating for an individual.

Daniel G. Amen is a brain specialist who understands how these affections come, as well as what it takes to keep them under control. There are ways people can do to heal their brains and improve their lives and he discusses 100 of these things in small details.

Hyperactivity In Children, by Sophie Queen

A hyperactive child could be a challenge. You do not necessarily have to reach to a specialist right away or get your little one stuffed with drugs. Instead, there are natural ways to reduce your little one’s hyperactivity in a simple and efficient manner.

This book will help you understand the severity of your kid’s hyperactivity, but it will also teach you about the relation to ADHD, potential causes, warning signs for an early diagnostic, symptoms that could help doctors and medical interventions.

Sophie Queen also addresses a few aspects that everyone is interested in. For example, you will be able to tell yourself whether or not your kid is hyperactive, but you can also gain access to some behavioral therapies that you can try at home. From games to physical activities, all these things will put your kid back on track.

A Radical Guide For Women With ADHD, by Alexia F. Randall

Women with ADHD see things differently. If you suffer from this affection, you probably know that you are different. You must educate yourself on every aspect related to your behavior and thoughts, whether it comes to work or school.

There are plenty of resources out there, but not everything works for everyone – apart from a few aspects. People channel their activity in a different way. They learn to adopt a healthy behavior based on their needs.

This book will give you some general insights on how to manage your time, tackle ADHD at different phases, become successful at work and even organize your social life. The book is also suitable for men whose beloved partners suffer from ADHD.

What Lies Beneath Matters, by Grace Da Camara

This is one of the best ADHD books if you want crystal clear and step by step instructions from psychologist Grace Da Camara. The book is inspired from the author’s personal experience while working with both ADHD individuals and groups – mostly in the proprietary OnTrac program.

The book is practically a manual with stories, guides, games and quizzes. It can help in individual therapy, but it will also help in groups – just as handy on your own. You will understand ADHD in a more responsible manner and come up with adapting thinking skills to learn how to live with it.

Become familiar with the most common transitions occurring in the process and learn to embrace them. Handle your emotions, manage your time and keep your anger under control, but also find out how to set goals and actually reach them.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, by John Range

A youth suffering from ADHD will most likely end up going in the wrong direction without any guidance. Youngsters tend to spend lots of time in front of screens and they barely get any physical activities. Inevitably, a bad diet will kick in as well. All these issues will lead to even more trouble in the long run and can path the way to unhealthy behavior patterns.

From this point of view, author John Range agrees that identifying such issues at an early stage could have a major impact over a patient’s lifestyle. Spotting potential issues at an early stage could prevent longterm affections and problems. Besides, knowing what to do will also help with the potential treatment.

In this book, you will learn that identifying signs associated with ADHD will reduce the incidence of the disorder later on. Managing screen time is one of the best recommendations, while a healthy diet is a must.

Thriving On ADHD Diet As A Beginner, by Craig Peckham

The diet is sometimes overlooked when it comes to ADHD. Other times, it becomes the main concern. The truth is dieting will not lead to ADHD and it will not bring in the symptoms associated with this disorder. But on the other hand, the diet plays a critical role in an individual’s mental health – as well as the physical aspect.

The necessity of a healthy diet in ADHD patients becomes even more obvious in children. Kids with ADHD face a series of challenges. Benefiting from the right food will not just help them keep healthy, but it will also aid in coping with the signs associated with ADHD.

The author agrees that a healthy diet has not been proven to help against the disorder. It will not heal it. However, a healthy diet will provide a solid foundation in terms of health. Since the disorder is a health related issues, high quality food will most likely play a role in the process. It is not scientifically proven yet, but it is worth some consideration.

Thriving with ADHD Workbook for Kids, by Kelli Miller

It’s essential to give practical solutions for parents. Kelli Miller’s ADHD workbook will tech children to reframe their way of thinking about the mental illness.

The main goal of the book to help youngsters to discover their strengths and to better understand themselves and to increase their inner confidence.

This workbook can teach them how to deal with their ADHD and better manage their symptoms. It can also help them learn how to succeed in school and life.

Thriving With ADHD Workbook For Teens, by Allison Tyler

Teenage years could be extremely important in ADHD sufferers. Most parents should already be aware that their children suffer from ADHD, while teenagers should try to adopt a few different lifestyle changes in order to make their lives easier. This book is suitable for teenagers and comes like a workbook to help them live with the disorder.

From learning how to build focus and developing self confidence to boosting organization skills and learning how to communicate, this workbook will make everything easier. ADHD might feel a bit overwhelming at first, but it can easily be kept under control with a good plan, a little discipline and the optimal resources.

The book is a great gift for a teenager. If you are in your teen years, you will learn more about the main executive functions to help yourself, the most popular frequently asked questions, advice you can use in everyday activities and steps to thrive with ADHD through daily stuff.

The Dyslexia, ADHD And DCD-Friendly Study Skills Guide, by Ann-Marie McNicholas

This book is basically a practical guide everyone with ADHD could benefit from. It is suitable to those who have to learn things in a different way. Whether it comes to ADHD, dyslexia or dyspraxia, the practical guide will help people learn for exams, new careers and interviews. Its main role is to boost their confidence and help them show their true potential.

Most of the exam related stress is given by a low self confidence. There is no meaning in how people with ADHD or dyslexia work. All these issues could be easily prevented with the optimal level of guidance – this is when the book kicks in.

The book provides various strategies and ideas to remember stuff. The learning experience is no longer passive, but active. Things happen fast and they are more enjoyable, so the activity will provide some extra confidence. Overall, because of the alternative viewpoint this is one of the best ADHD book our of the market.

Hi, It’s Me! I Have ADHD, by Katelyn Mabry

Most people will find themselves in this book because it is written from the author’s point of view. The author has struggled with ADHD and has experienced all the feelings, thoughts and emotions you can think of.

This book comes from a personal experience and helps those who go through the same issues. People learn from someone who has actually managed to overcome the unpleasant signs and symptoms of ADHD.

The book is written in a friendly and easy manner. You have a bunch of practical tips, step by step guides, journal pages, illustrations and so on. When it comes to kids, the book will make ADHD look like an actual advantage.

Flipping ADHD On Its Head, by Jim Poole

Doctor Jim Poole brings in a more holistic approach to ADHD. While the affection has evolved, treatments have not changed too much over the past few decades. What works for some patients will not work for everyone else, hence the necessity of a unique approach.

The primary goal of the book is to turn ADHD into an advantage. It does have a few strengths and this is what children have to think about. It basically flips the beliefs and conceptions about the disorder, only to give children and teens the confidence they require to succeed in life.

The author does not frame ADHD as an issue or a disability. It is, indeed, something different and this is how people have to see it. Moreover, the author also shares some of his most successful stories with ADHD patients. He agrees that ADHD people – especially young patients – must focus on improving in three fields – educational, behavioral and medical.

Parenting Children With ADHD, by Sarah Snowden

Sarah Snowden has written a practical guide for parents. The guide helps parents inflict positive behaviors into their children, but it also teaches them about the benefits of self care. Tips and guides are insightful and well detailed – step by step instructions that tell you exactly how to work with your little one for more rewarding results.

Finding a beneficial treatment in the long run is challenging because there is no such thing as af general treatment. This is why self care is also recommended – finding things that work for your child. This book does not just provide helpful advice, but it also explains the fundamentals of ADHD, so things make more sense.

Final Thoughts on the best ADHD Books

All in all, you will learn more about ADHD, find out what to do if your kid is diagnosed with it, discover the most common treatments, identify behavioral patterns to help your child and subtle tricks to teach your little one what self care means.

As a short final conclusion, these are some of the best ADHD books. The disorder is quite diversified and may affect people in different ways. However, whether it is you who needs help or a family member suffers from it, self care is highly recommended, as well as personal awareness. Any of the above mentioned books will help you understand what ADHD is and how you can get as much as possible from it.

Check also some helpful PTSD books if you or your family member has Post-traumaic stress disorder.

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