The Urban Conga is creatively recognizing and explaining climate change and sea-level rise in St. Petersburg, Florida. TIDAL is an interactive art installation that hopes to open up a dialogue around these serious issues through play. The neighborhood is already experiencing sea-level rise, and at the current rate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that it could reach over 9 feet by 2100. That’s close to five times the average.

iridescent pillar sculpture

Climate change is a topic that can be difficult or uncomfortable to discuss. TIDAL presents data, along with average local tidal patterns, as a series of undulating pillars. Designed to act similarly to a pier’s columns, they act as indicators of tidal change and water rise over time. Each pillar illuminates as people walk by, revealing data points before slowly fading away – like watermarks left on piers. The interaction is meant to show how our actions can create an immediate reaction, evoking internal reflection and conversation through play.

little girl interacting with iridescent pillar sculpture

TIDAL is made of recyclable polycarbonate and aluminum fabricated locally to help mitigate the carbon footprint of the artwork. The installation uses low-powered lighting and sits within a planter bed to help with rainwater collection. TIDAL is located at the entryway to the new Shore Acres Community Recreation Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. The space is one where people come together regularly to connect and engage.

detail of iridescent pillar sculpture

woman walking next to iridescent pillar sculpture

woman interacting with iridescent pillar sculpture

man and woman interacting with iridescent pillar sculpture

detail of person looking at art description plaque

pillar sculpture viewed from inside building

iridescent pillar sculpture

iridescent pillar sculpture illuminated at night

woman walking next to iridescent pillar sculpture at night

detail of iridescent pillar sculpture illuminated

iridescent pillar sculpture illuminated at night

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The Urban Conga is creatively explaining climate change and sea-level rise in St. Petersburg, Florida through TIDAL – an interactive art installation. Read all about it on Design Milk! #arttok #climatechange #artexhibiton #artinstallation #FindYourEdge #designtok #designmilk #globalwarming #climateaction

? cloud castle – Luna Li

To learn more about TIDAL, visit

Kelly Beall is senior editor at Design Milk. The Pittsburgh-based graphic designer and writer has had a deep love of art and design for as long as she can remember, and enjoys sharing her finds with others. When undistracted by great art and design, she can be found making a mess in the kitchen, consuming as much information as possible, or on the couch with her three pets. Find her @designcrush on social.

You can follow Kelly Beall on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Read all of Kelly Beall’s posts.

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