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Checo is a New Hampshire native, Miami based artist who started his journey in music by teaching himself to play guitar and write songs as a young teen. Music was mostly a hidden passion as basketball dominated his early life. After going on to play Division 1 basketball in NYC for 1 year he decided to leave basketball behind to explore his growing passion for music. He has been sharpening his writing and production skills ever since and in the past few years has been mostly inspired by and focused on Dance and House music.

The Magic Mullet is a Web 3/NFT native artist from the Doodle’s NFT community this semi-anonymous artist uses his NFT, self proclaimed as “The Magic Mullet” due to his mullet hair trait, to release music and interact with the community while leveraging the innovative tech that NFT’s offer for all types of creators. The Magic Mullet gained notoriety in the NFT space after creating a custom anthem for the Doodles – which was quickly adopted by the Doodle community as their theme song.

Now, these two forward thinking, immensely talented artists have come together for their infectious new single, “Palo Santo“. Driven by funky, lo-fi esque piano chords, Checo combines emotive lyrics and a very strong piano presence to deliver the hit we all needed for the end of Summer.

Palo Santo” is a summer infused house track that blends songwriting and production in a unique way that makes you feel like you should be relaxing on the beach or dancing into the late night in the middle of August. The song was written and produced by Checo alongside his long-time collaborators Chris Curran and Kyle Blamey. The track was mixed and mastered by Ollie Knight – a UK based producer/engineer who has worked with notable artists like MK and Sonny Fodera. Palo Santo features a familiar formanted vocal sound from the Web 3/NFT native artist, The Magic Mullet, which gives the track an atypical pop feel that will have you singing along without even realizing it.

The world feels crazier and crazier every day and music continues to be a momentary escape for so many. And even though music is limitless in the feelings it can provoke, sometimes I just want to keep it simple and feel good – which is what Palo Santo is really about – nothing complex, just a song to make people feel good at any moment wherever they are.” – Checo

Listen below!


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