The Perfect Match

A Medical Murder Mystery Fiction Based on True Life Events

A personal note from the author:

I wrote this book after helping my brother-in-law navigate his battle to receive a double lung transplant after being diagnosed with an incurable disease I began doing research on the limitations of organ donations.

With the battle cry from the left and right regarding their interpretation of of My Body My Rights and eliminating government interference in our lives, I wondered why organ donations and end of life decisions were not front and center in this cultural battle. After all what is more your right then how to die and to whom you want to donate organs.

I live in St. Louis MO a city that outsiders view as crime ridden, and while it is, in some parts, it is also a very livable, vibrant city that no one knows about. I wanted to show both sides of St. Louis to my readers and introduce them to the sights and sounds of a city wrestling with its outside perception vs. resident reality.

— Steve Pizzolato

Frank Esposito has an incurable lung disease and needs a double lung transplant in a matter of months in order to survive. Arch City Transplant Center just opened in St. Louis, MO and is challenging cultural and ethical paradigms in end-of-life decisions and in the organ transplant business. ACTC is run by brilliant doctors: Dr. Alex Finnegan and Dr. Ellen James-Calabrese who will push each other and society to create a business that will be worth billions of dollars but unbeknownst to Dr. Calabrese, Finnegan is using his colleagues, investors, and the poor as pawns to get what he truly wants.

While Finnegan seems to be unstoppable and untouchable, a series of carjackings and murders being investigated by St. Louis homicide Detective, Rhonda Simon threatens Finnegan’s plans. With the help of a compassionate organ transplant nurse and one of Finnegan’s business partners, Detective Simon realizes her current cases are connected to a crime bigger than she originally thought. Meanwhile, Dr. James-Calabrese’s ex-husband, Vinnie Calabrese will stop at nothing, including jeopardizing his ex-wife’s career to get his brother-in-law, Frank, the lifesaving double lung transplant he needs.

Inspired by first-time author Steve Pizzolato’s brother-in-law’s battle for a double lung transplant, The Perfect Match is a crime filled adventure of murder, everyday people, ethics, the U.S. healthcare system, the ‘My Body, My Choice’ movement, and how it is all connected to impact our future in more ways than we can imagine. The novel set in St. Louis will introduce readers to a city known nationally for its crime statistics but also a city with world class health institutions, old world neighborhoods, and parks that make St. Louis, despite its national reputation, a very livable community.

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