#HACKED: 10 Practical Cybersecurity Tips to Help Protect Personal or Business Information

10 Practical Cybersecurity Tips to Help Protect Personal or Business Information

A personal message from the author:

I wrote the book to help Businesses and Consumers protect the data they have and use daily.

#HACKED is so much more than 10 Tips to Protect your Business and Personal data. It is a roadmap to understanding why we are vulnerable to the attackers, and how we can take the advantage with understanding on how to protect what is valuable to all of us, our data.

–Albert E. Whale

The #HACKED book is the perfect resource for anyone looking to learn about cybersecurity. Written by leading experts in the field, this book provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of cybersecurity. Whether you’re a business owner, student, or just someone who wants to stay safe online, The #HACKED book has everything you need to know.

Our lives are growing more connected every day. Each gadget we add multiplies the risk of a cyber attack and an invasion of our privacy.

Cyber criminals are collecting data from our computers, phones, cars, and appliances. They can also gain access to our credit card information by hacking point-of-sale (POS) systems at our local stores.

Our information is at great risk of anyone accessing it. We can close these security holes by using tips from the book #HACKED.

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