Noise about a new Hasselblad camera has been around for a while; however, recent speculation suggests we might finally see the Hasselblad X2D 100C in September, and it could boast some very impressive specs.

We have discussed what we would like to see in the next camera release from Hasselblad before. Now, more information about the next Medium Format camera from the company has come to light. According to a recent post on Photo Rumors, the Hasselblad X2D 100C could launch as soon as next month. As the name suggests, the Medium Format camera will likely boast a 100-megapixel sensor and IBIS, which would make the Hasselblad X2D 100C a rival to the Fujifilm GFX100S.

Hasselblad X2D 100C — What we know so far

Hasselblad X2D

As fantastic as Hasselblad are, and as much as the company is respected for what they have done for photography, its transition to mirrorless cameras hasn’t been smooth. For example, the Hasselblad X1D 50C was a groundbreaking camera when it came out. This camera set a new standard for design, but the performance of the beautifully designed camera was lackluster.

The X1D II 50C was, again, a stunning-looking camera. However, the autofocus system was light years behind offerings from Fujifilm, and it was also priced much higher. I have used the X1D II 50c many times. While I love the images I’ve produced with the camera, I have always been frustrated because of the overall performance.

By the sounds of the specs of the new Hasselblad X2D 100C, the issues with the autofocus system could become a thing of the past. If this is the case, Hasselblad will have a very compelling camera. Now, the specs we’re about to list aren’t confirmed. However, Photo Rumors seem reasonably confident of the information they have received.

Possible specs

Hasselblad X2D

According to Photo Rumor’s source, the Hasselblad X2D 100C will feature a 100-megapixel sensor. In addition, the new camera will also feature an adjustable LCD and enhanced Live View modes. Trust me when I say Live View on previous Hasselblad cameras was pretty poor. So, any improvement here will be welcomed.

Apart from the new sensor, the most significant performance improvement will come via an improved autofocus system. Whether or not it will be a hybrid phase/contrast system remains to be seen. Still, we hope that this is the case. The Hasselblad X2D 100C will also feature IBIS, which as well all know, is incredibly hard to implement on larger sensors. Hasselblad will also implement a top LCD panel, which should compliment the rear LCD nicely. Let’s also not forget that in terms of user-friendliness, Hasselblad takes the crown so far. System menus and the touch interface in Hasselblad mirrorless cameras are second to none.

Regarding pricing, the Hasselblad X2D 100c could launch at roughly $8,000. This price will put a $2,000 premium on this camera over the Fujifilm GFX100S. However, I can guarantee that the build quality of the Hasselblad will far exceed the Fujifilm GFX100S. Anyone who has ever used a Hasselblad camera can tell you it’s an experience. Hopefully, the feeling you get from using a Hasselblad camera will transition into the new camera.

The stakes are high

One thing for sure is that Hasselblad needs to get the X2D 100C right. Fujifilm rocked Hasselblads’ world when they entered the Medium Format market. Since then, Hasselblad has been playing catch-up. Not only do Fujifilm Medium Format cameras hit all of the right notes regarding performance, but they also hit the sweet spot when it comes to price.

Hasselblad needs to ensure that the X2D 100C can compete with the performance of cameras like the Fujifilm GFX 50S II and the GFX 100S, and they need to ensure that the user experience is there too. Then, the premium price that comes with Hasselblad cameras will be warranted. We’re very excited about this potential new camera, though, and we hope we can get one in our hands when and if it launches.

What do you want to see in a new mirrorless camera from Hasselblad? How do you feel about the possible price of $8,000? Let us know in the comment section below.

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