Materials in a home – like rugs, tiles, and wood – are often discarded after a certain time, only to be replaced by new materials. Like furniture and objects in a home, these materials also have sentimental value too, being remembered in memories years later. Because of their invisible worth, is it possible to extend their life after they’ve been used and removed? Designer Sarah Roseman believes it can be done and shows us through her latest project, Molten Memories, a collage carpet piece made of reclaimed materials.

rug collage

rug collage materials

Roseman collected the materials from house renovation and demolition sites found around Eindhoven in The Netherlands. From there, she repurposed the materials to take on new forms. Discarded carpets became new yarn, tufted to form texture reminiscent of toys. Laminate wood was cut into organic islands. Broken tiles were smoothed to form soft river rocks. All of these pieces came together in a large-scale floor installation that invites the viewer to become a child again and explore the unusual but fantastical piece. Boulders become mountains, grass grows between garden stones, and different landscapes collide together in this world.

process shot of rug

rug collage materials

rug collage materials

rug collage materials

rug collage materials

rug collage materials

rug carpet materials

rug collage

Photos by Barry Llewellyn.

As the Lifestyle editor, Vy Yang is obsessed with discovering ways to live well + with intention through design. She’s probably sharing what she finds over on Instagram stories. You can also find her at

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