On the Trail of the Unseen

On the Trail series Book 3

A personal note from the author:

This is the third installment of the On the Trail series.

Each book is written to stand alone — readers do not need to read the first books in the series in order to enjoy the later ones.

So you think you’ve had a hard time dealing with Covid? Read how sorcery tries to help the same situation! No vaccines here . . .

— Lynne Armstrong-Jones

As a swordsman, Nico has battled many enemies over the years and met formidable challenges, but what good are his warrior skills when it comes to fighting against illness? Like many others, he and his wife and daughter have no choice but to flee the plague, heading north to his homeland.

Along the way, they face many dangers and uncertainties, but they also find an old friend who is fleeing with his family. Their other friends, the sorcerers Xyron and Giever, as well as the Witch, Creda, are heading north to avoid the plague after trying in vain to find a way to stop the disease and help the people.

Back in the sorcerers’ Tower, the sorceress Aislin finds a possible solution to stop this terrible threat. However, putting her plan into action could place her entire future in jeopardy.

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