I'm A Boy: Gender Revolution

A personal message from the authors:

On behalf of the LGBTQ brothers abroad we hereby bring a tale of gender awareness. The realities of our youth in situations where fear exists judgements never cease and norms are just too high up…this book is a perspective drawn from examples of so many difficulties in the social acceptance of our beautiful world..

Please enjoy the tale of I’m A Boy

— Q. Dean & G. Jones

I’m A Boy is a fiction novel that seeks to explore our social and cultural normality’s surrounding gender identity and expression. It is a tale of a transgender teenager named Chris, whose mind and heart are at war with his father’s expectations against the gender revolution.

People saw him as different from the moment he was born—a little cisgender boy, too feminine for his prestigious father’s comfort. In spite of Suzzie Walker’s protests, her reputation-obsessed husband Bob decided that it would be easier to change their son’s gender than to change his views.

Chris was forced to join his father’s female college basketball team at Yale as Christina, just like he had been forced to be Christina his whole life. In the same way that Chris fell in love with the sport, he fell head over heels for his teammate, Alexis McCoy. The only problem was, she didn’t know he was a boy. In a cruel twist of fate, Chris’ true gender identity gets exposed to the world, causing his peers to alienate him. Including Alexis.

What will happen when everything is flipped on its head? Will Coach Walker value his respect and reputation over his son? Or will Chris give in and choose his relationships over his truth? Most importantly of all, will we find out if love is truly more important than the opinions of others?

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