best new self-help books 2022

Living in today’s world requires a lot of courage and endurance. Everything seems more chaotic than ever, and we need some bit of positivity or anything that can help make us better and help us flourish or keep living. We are all working towards fulfilling a particular purpose, and the journey has its share of challenges.

Today, we have witnessed more cases of mental issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress, and more. Since these issues can impact our growth journey and eventually affect the purpose we are pursuing, we must address them. At the end of the day finding purpose in life is essential to keep ourselves motivated.

Self-help books can be instrumental in helping us achieve that and generally have a happy life. These books support and guide readers on solving life problems. They focus on more holistic topics such as finding happiness, goal setting, relationship improvement, and discovering your purpose.

Honestly, many of us need them, and that is why we have curated several recommendations for new self-help books 2022  to get your hands on and better yourself.

Acts of Achievers, by Ola Adisa

Do you want to become an achiever faster? Do you constantly admire other people’s success? Or struggle with self-doubt? If so, then Acts of Achievers is for you.

Most of us are fully aware that we are not where we want to be and know that we have not yet achieved our dreams. But some of us think we lack what attaining our objectives takes, and there are those of us who think achieving our goals is exceptionally daunting. This may have been fueled or influenced by our past or experienced painful failures.

It can also be because we believe the time has not yet come for us to initiate the necessary move; therefore, we delay acting. There are those of us who believe in luck, and then there are those who think if they lack the talent for something, the opportunity may never come. The list is endless.

Everyone desires success but achieving it or knowing what suits you can be a mystery. However, this book offers the skills, results, and best practices to steer you toward the ultimate goal of finding direction. It will help you understand achievement, increase your confidence, and learn how you can lead and be an influential force.

This is one of our favorite new self-help books of 2022.

A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth is the wake-up call everyone, on earth needs. We all need to stop creating our suffering and obsessing with the past or future lives. The book passes a universal message to immerse ourselves in the now. However, we cannot fully appreciate what the now has if we cannot discover the joy and freedom that comes with it.

The author talks more about these powerful ideas with crucial pointers. Eckhart helps us see that overcoming our ego-based conscious states is vital for individual happiness. The triumph is also the key to conflict resolution and ending suffering.

The book describes how being attached to our ego can create a dysfunction that eventually leads to being unhappy, jealous, and angry. It suggests that we need to bring a new conscious state to life and then follow the path towards a rewarding existence and a better world. A New Earth is a book that will help you break down the walls of internal resistance. It will have you question how your ego makes you react but in an awakening way.

The Power of Fun, by Catherine Price

The Power of Fun is an essential read that you need to begin flourishing. It passes the message that fun is necessary and not optional if we need to help ourselves work towards our purpose. We are all trying hard to race towards our goals but do we give ourselves ample time to recharge? And more importantly, do we recharge in the best way by engaging fully, being focused, and fully present?

Having fun is key to helping us to lighten the burdens of life. But in modern lifestyles surrounded by tech-addicted lifestyles, we more often than not think about pursuing fun as an indulgence. The few times we get to relax, we opt for activities that we don’t even enjoy. For example, we run to our social media to feed our FOMO or binge-watch shows.

Often, we are propelled to doing things because people deem them favorable and fun. But are they enjoyable for us? This is what books get into details about.

Fun is crucial in life and is a gateway to living a more meaningful and satisfactory life. By prioritizing beneficial and enjoyable fun, we can become healthier and have the energy to be more productive. It also helps us be less stressed and resentful. We can also find a community with which we resonate and a sense of purpose through fun and begin to flourish and enjoy life.

How to Break Up with Your Friends, by Erin Falconer

Think about the relationships, connections, and friendships you have formed throughout your life for a moment. Then think about how many of those have served you right and helped you grow.

We need to understand that all these are compelling aspects of life. However, they can only be valuable if they fuel us to do better as we find our purpose and inspire us with joy. We are often very proud of large networks, but we are afraid to discuss how many of these networks are beneficial or we really need.

Driven by the fear of losing our connections, we more often than not find ourselves accepting individual and friendship mediocrity. But does it always have to be this way?

This book is a refreshing guide that advocates keeping only the friendships that help us stay in line with our principles and those that we can nurture for the better. We are advised to detox ourselves from all the relationships that no longer serve or nourish us. The book also helps us explore the essential aspect of modern friendships and how we can be valuable and good friends.

Friends can hugely influence our lives, and with that, we should only form or maintain the essential ones. You will be guided about how you can realize that you are in a toxic friendship through the book and also be helped to stop being in constant fear of constructive confrontation.

Unbreakable, by Jay Glazer

Dealing with PTSD, depression, trauma, and anxiety can be agonizing. However, through this book, Jay offers readers inspiration and helps them see that they can get help by speaking up. This book is a way to tell us that sharing our vulnerabilities can help others that may be suffering just like us. There is a stigma surrounding mental health, but we can work towards ending that. These are issues that can polarize lives, and they can be the differential factor between life and death for many people. To become unbreakable, we must overcome our self-doubts and fears and avoid making excuses.

Many people don’t associate a successful life with difficulties, which is a lie. Jay is honest and shows us how he has had to battle challenging issues even in his success. Through all that, he has had to keep going and believe in himself even when no one else would.

Jay features big and bad stories about some of the fascinating people in the public eye. He tackles difficult situations but will help put a smile on your face, and through that, just like him, you will gain clarity, toughen up, and be more open to issues that people battle. He will help you get on top of your game, deviate from making excuses through the plan he prescribes, and help you tackle your battles and scars.

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, by Julie Smith

This book provides readers with the skills needed to navigate finding purpose in life and take charge of their emotional and mental health. These two topics are of significant concern in today’s world, but some people are not familiar with how sensitive they are. Some of us don’t even know we are struggling with them.

Being a psychological expert, the author offers advice and crucial coping mechanisms required for resilience. They will help you if you want to manage or cope with your anxiety, tackle depression, and generally build self-confidence. The tips offered will also help you get motivated and learn how to forgive yourself.

The book tackles the day-to-day issues we constantly face with clear and concise practical solutions that anyone will find easy to understand. That way, you can equip yourself with the guidance and information you require. You will see that mental health is just as vital as physical health through the book. There are proven strategies that have been illustrated to help you understand how the mind works and how you can nurture your mental well-being each day.

By the time you are done with this book, you will feel more resilient and courageous to take on life.

Toxic Positivity, by Whitney Goodman

Everybody is obsessed with being content and happy, which is not bad. But are people keeping it real at the same time? This book will guide you to owning your emotions, including those that seem formidable. This is the first step to becoming authentic in today’s world. Every day we are being bombarded and pressured to live positively.

It is more challenging to keep up with trendy hashtags like good vibes only and memes that promote the goodness of life, and the constant advice about looking on the bright side. Everyone keeps saying that you must first silence any negativity that crops up within you and from those around you to be happy.

Even in illness, broken relationships, loss, and all life challenges, we rarely have the space to talk about how we feel deeply. We don’t even have the freedom to process these feelings to feel better and progress.

The question raised by this book is why many of us are depressed, anxious, and repeatedly burned out if we only need to be positive. The author seeks to reveal how toxic positivity can be damaging to ourselves and our relationships with others. She uses current research and tangible examples and offers simple methods to triumph over difficult emotions. That is the only way we can become authentic, connected, grow and see who we are.

Love Your-Self Deeply First, by Judith Coleman

Self-love is a human necessity, and if we cannot love ourselves, we are on the road towards selfishness and vanity. If you search for a revelatory path that will help you find self-love and connect with yourself, then you need this book. It is self-empowering and lays an approach to loving all aspects of yourself. It will also help you develop self-confidence and cope with different occurrences in life.

Today’s world is fast-paced, superficiality is the new norm, and everyone is pursuing results. With that, we create a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and constant worries. All these aspects cause you to low regard your self-esteem as you become more sensitive and get lost in the chaotic world. You become even more susceptible to welcoming suffering and hiding your power with sensitivity.

This book is written with an approach to helping you with your journey to self-discovery. You will learn the essential aspects of meditation, how to boost your confidence through practical exercises, and how to use positive affirmations. Additionally, the author equips you to discover individual happiness, cope with jealousy, and become satisfied in an independent relationship.

You will be on your way to a tremendous self-relationship transformation through the book.


These new self-help books 2022 generally serve as crafts to help us create a more positive mindset and attain inner peace. They help us get rid of chronic dissatisfaction and sync with our inner selves. These are vital constituents that we must address to gain meaning in life. That is why they can also serve as books on finding purpose in life.

Get your hands on our recommended books and see how helpful they will be, or check the following spiritual books if you are looking for answers.

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