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Claude VonStroke is bringing his Dirtybird Campout back to Central California this October and the Phase 1 lineup has just dropped. Featuring some of the hottest names in house music, Dirtybird favorites, and a few for the bassheads, this year’s lineup is stacked. Ardalan, Justin Jay, VNSSA, Walker & Royce, Eprom, Of the Trees, and of course the Dirtybird head honcho, himself, Claude Von Stroke are among this year’s highlights.

The half-music festival/half-summer camp will be at the Modesto Reservoir Campgrounds (about 5 hours north of Los Angeles) from October 7-9. The fun begins upon arrival, where attendees are grouped into Orange, Green, Purple and Red teams to compete all weekend in over 45 events for the now famed Ironbird trophy.

This year’s edition of the festival will feature all of the fun and kooky activities that make Dirtybird Campout unique (you’re actually compelled to participate in the extra curricular activities), as well as the addition of a new afterhours stage (previously a silent disco). This will allow music to be played on the campgrounds through the morning until sunrise.

Check out the Dirtybird website to buy your tickets or enter one of the contests and maybe get lucky enough to win some. The website also features more info on games and activities onsite. Check out the lineup announce video below and stay tuned for more info.

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