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Two artists rising rapidly in the tech house scene are Luxo and Max Low, who together, make an amazing team. Luxo has established himself as a rising star in the tech scene with releases on Desert Hearts, Get Twisted, Hood Politics and now CID’s Night Service Only.  As co-owner of one of the hottest LA underground house record labels, Rock Bottom Records, Luxo continues to demonstrate that being at the bottom isn’t always a bad thing.

While only just forming in 2022, Max Low has already served as a mainstay in house music in a past life, previously placing successful top tracks on Toolroom, Farris Wheel, Hood Politics, and LOW CEILING. Their debut releases have them going coast to coast within a matter of months, starting with Insomniac’s In/Rotation before a release on CID’s Night Service Only, and have even been supported by renowned tastemakers including Alesso, David Guetta, Lee Foss, and Pasquale Rotella.

Now, Luxo and Max Low have joined forces for their brand new single, “Mind Games“, that was so good it earned the stamp of approval from CID and is out now on his Night Service Only imprint.

Sizzling synths whizz all around this bouncy tech house wonderland as a trippy vocal drifts in and out of focus in a hypnotic fashion. Driven by an incessant four on the floor groove, “Mind Games” strikes a balance incorporating sounds of the old school with the new, resulting in a track you just can’t listen to once.

Listen below!


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