Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger, faster person, but sooner or later, the person who wins is the person who thinks they can.

A personal message from the author:

It’s one thing to be dysfunctional, it’s another to pass it on to someone else.

This book is for the children. Why? Parents can’t teach what they don’t know; after reading this story, they’ll know.

— SJ White

Misadventures of a Dysfunctional Family is an intriguing story of dysfunctional parenting, lost love, betrayal, incarceration, and the power of self-awareness. Misadventures provides a compelling introspective into who we are beyond our life situation, exposing the beautiful opportunities that await each of us once we make that discovery. This rebirth saga is entertaining and insightful, full of intrigue and suspense, but you must be careful. Awakenings this powerful are contagiously life-changing, no matter how far down the rabbit hole you may have fallen.

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