romanovs books

The House of Romanov was the imperial house of Russia and dominated the country for more than three centuries – up until 1917. The house gained notoriety when Anastasia Romanova married to Ivan the Terrible. Curious to learn more about the reigning house of Russia? Here are some of the best-rated Romanovs books.

The Romanovs, by Simon Sebag Montefiore

There are no doubts about it – the Romanovs represented one of the most successful dynasties of modern times. For more than 300 years, the house ruled about a sixth of the world. How did the house manage to become so powerful? And how did it lose everything?

This book follows 20 tsars and tsarinas. Some of them were great, while others were mad and bad for the country. They all had powerful ambitions though. There was a ruthless rule covered by adventures, conspiracies, decadence and rivalries.

Nicholas and Alexandra, by Robert K. Massie

This is the third book in The Romanovs series and probably the most detailed one. It tells the story of Nicholas and his political problems, but also Alexandra’s obsession with Rasputin, who was known to be a corrupt mystic.

Furthermore, the story also follows Alexis, who struggled with hemophilia. All these stories are told in a scenario of extravagance and luxury, but also lots of intrigue and unexpected scenarios. There is drama, as well as passion and plenty of history – things that have actually happened.

The Romanov Sisters, by Helen Rappaport

This is the second book in the series with the same name and tells the story of the Princess Dianas of Russia – the most appreciated young royals. The story follows Tatiana, Anastasia, Olga and Maria, who were admired for their attitude, appearance and lifestyle.

Their story is quite detailed and gives you good vibes, but it ends tragically, in a basement in Ekaterinburg. The book is based on real stories, facts and letters sent to friends and families. Discover the joy associated with royals, as well as what happened prior to the Russian Revolution.

The Romanovs, by W. Bruce Lincoln

This book is extremely detailed and covers everything in the dynasty that ruled Russia for so many years. It all starts with Mikhail’s ascension in the 17th century. The end features Nicholas II and Alexandra, as well as their tragic execution in the 20th century. The book is well split into very specific chapters.

You will learn more about the achievements associated with this royal house, as well as its significance for Russia. Read more about the drama associated with it. Moreover, everything in the book is based on authentic materials, letters and manuscripts from those times, as well as statements from those who knew the family.

The Fate of the Romanovs, by Greg King and Penny Wilson

Lots of interesting details were revealed when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. For instance, documents regarding the death of Tsar Nicholas II and Alexandra were also released, not to mention details about their children. This book is based on classified documents and statements from their captors and those around them. It can be controversial at times, but also exceptionally detailed.

The book brings in details from more than 500 archived and unpublished documents, as well as newly discovered pictures. There is lots of evidence that fuels some conspiracy theories as well – did Anastasia actually survive? Diary entries are also published, as well as how the Romanovs were betrayed by those around them. Statements from the murderers are also included.

The Race to Save the Romanovs, by Helen Rappaport

This is one of the bestselling Romanovs books out there and has gained international recognition. It investigates the murder of the Russian family. The murder shocked the whole works in 1918. The revolution is now considered a massacre and its anniversary is usually ignored in Russia. While the murder was widely investigated later on, the plans to save the family have never been analyzed.

This is a detective book that analyzes new and unknown sources from the UK, USA, Spain and Russia. It analyzes the plans to save the Romanov family, as well as why they failed. There are more scenarios and plenty of leads that take the readers to King George V. However, the author also analyzes this lead and explains why he was not the only one responsible for the tragedy.

Romanov, by Nadine Brandes

This is not the type of book that will give you unknown facts from history, but a fiction book that brings in a different scenario – an idea that has haunted the 20th century for ages. Did Anastasia actually die? There are rumors and evidence that she might have survived, despite DNA tests performed decades after the family was murdered.

All in all, this book follows Anastasia Romanov and her mission – to smuggle an ancient spell into her luggage in order to survive in Siberia. The Bolshevik army is after her and he has killed Romanovs before. The story features a dramatic idea, but it also has a bit of passion. Anastasia falls in love with a soldier until one day, when she is on one side of the firing squad and he is on the other.

The Family Romanov, by Candace Fleming

This is the true real story of the Romanovs – among many others. However, it brings in some exciting details that have not been mentioned before. The book is based on personal statements and testimonies, but it also brings in some captivating pictures of the family.

There is a mix between the extravagant lifestyle of the family, as well as the poor masses from Russia at that time. It is a good resource of information that will mesmerize your reading experience and give you some less-known details about the royal house.


Bottom line, these Romanovs books can definitely light up a few facts and provide some extra details about what happened more than a century ago. Some of them are based on certain characters, but most of them target the last days of the royal family. Find historical fiction books here.

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