We all need a little challenge once in a while to kickstart our creativity. For whatever reason, we haven’t picked up our camera in quite some time. We’re not being creative and it’s taking a toll on our mental state.

Before we start, let me just say, we are not creating images for our portfolios. In fact, grab your mobile phone and do this. Make it as simple as possible. I would even go as far as saying no post-processing. Just create images as you see them. Kickstart the creative and seeing part of your brain.

the color red challenge

The challenge

Colors. Every day, all around us we see colors. Work on one color each day for seven days. Take images of only one color each day. Just tell yourself that today I’m going to look for the color x. 

  • Sunday — Silver
  • Monday — Red
  • Tuesday — Orange
  • Wednesday — Yellow
  • Thursday — Green
  • Friday — Blue
  • Saturday — Purple

That’s it. Simple. 

color challenge yellow leaf


Be aware once you’ve started this, you’ll start noticing and seeing much more around you. Things you wouldn’t have noticed before will start appearing in your field of vision. Red cars? It will suddenly seem like everyone and their brother is driving them.

It happens to all of us. Life. Work. Family. We don’t always have time to spend on our creative outlets. But, we need to. Being creative helps us handle whatever might be thrown at us. It calms us down, it settles us, and it helps our minds engage in something besides worry or how much is on our to-do list.

lady in red union station

So do what you can to take that time you need every day or week. Easy challenges like this one don’t take much time but they do wonders for our brains.

We’d love to see the results of this challenge in the Photofocus Community. Head on over and share them with us.

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