Cancer diagnosis, Cancer treatment, Cancer prevention – Interviews with Oncologist & Hematologist Dr. Med. Thomas A. Walter

A personal message from the author:

When it comes to cancer, how can you segregate Facts from Myths?

My name is Kossi Afedo and I was diagnosed with cancer in 2013.

It was a rough time for me and it didn’t help that I was bombarded with jargon and medical terms I am not familiar with.

With all the available information online, it can be confusing and stressful, especially for someone ill.

For a time, I was lost and hopeless…

But then I met Dr. Med. Thomas A. Walter

He helped me get back on track by providing first-hand information that helped me conquer my fears about cancer.
Since then, my life has changed positively…

As a cancer survivor, I want to share with you my victory through this book called

Converting Fears Into Confidence

This book is a compilation of questions and answers from my comprehensive interview with Dr. Thomas.
This is a useful guide that has enlightened me, my family, and my friends about cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

And now it’s your turn.

— Kossi Afedo

This book is designed to give first-hand information from a cancer survivor and his physician that has 25 years of experience in Oncology and Hematology.

This guide provides answers to a series of practical questions about cancer, including but not limited to the following:

  • The causes of cancer.
  • Why you should not be too afraid about cancer in the 21st century.
  • How can you know if you have cancer?
  • How your gender reacts to cancer.
  • The best forms of treatment that are available to deal with cancer.
  • How you can protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer.
  • How to prevent cancer with a healthy lifestyle.
  • Cancer and modern diet.
  • Important tips you need about chemotherapy and radiation.
  • And much more.

Knowledge is a great asset for anyone who wishes to live above cancer and this book is an amazing compass for you to embark on that journey.

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