Summertime means my kids will be spending countless hours on our trampoline. This also means parents get countless photo ops. 

With all their movement and fun it can be hard at times to snap the perfect action shot. For most parents, these bounces and joyful shouts are memories that you’ll want to keep. However, shooting through the net or only getting blurry images can be disappointing. 

Erin Holmstead, jumping action shot on the trampoline

Apart from just shooting on really sunny days. There are plenty of ways that you can easily improve your shots. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

  1. If you do have a net get as close to the net as possible. That way the camera won’t decide to focus on that.
  2. Use a really fast shutter speed of 1/1000 or higher
  3. Encourage your subject to jump parallel to you. Allowing for their flip or trick to staying within the lens focal plane.
  4. Focus on the subject’s chest or stomach. That will give you a larger area to track while they are jumping. 
  5. Try and also pre-focus on your subject. Have them stand still in the spot they plan to start from and set your focus.
  6. Set your camera to continuous shooting or burst mode. This will allow you to take several shots or more per second so long as your finger is holding down the shutter button.
  7. Get low and shoot up at your subject. This will help eliminate the background neighbors’ houses, buildings, or cars. 
  8. Take a step back or zoom out a bit more than you normally would so you don’t cut the person’s head off when they are at the top of their jump.

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jumping on trampoline

trampoline photography

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Hopefully, these quick and easy tips help you capture those summer trampoline moments. Don’t hesitate to use these tips when working with dancers or someone who is jumping on the ground. Can’t wait to see what you create!

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