Producer Guy Schmidt Genre Bends In Anticipated Dark Retro Vibe Single “Acid Rain”

Guy Schmidt is an American music producer and recording artist known for his signature lo-fi/EDM sound that delves deep into the artist’s psyche. With a pianist mother and a guitarist father, musicality ran deep in the family, and artistic expression was encouraged.

With his anticipated release to follow his successful release of “THE BOY AND THE MOON” EP, “Acid Rain,” Guy Schmidt radiates non-stop creative chemistry spearheading the record with an energizing blend of 80’s Dance nostalgic EDM.

Musically, Shmidt has continued to steer away from the mainstream norm and experiment with different sounds ranging from vintage tape machines and analog synthesizers. When it comes to sharing advice on his musical success, Schmidt adds,

“Be proud of the drive and motivation to keep going & having the same love for the art you produce. Nothing can compare to that. Make sure you stay active and give it your all because if you do not, it’ll be way harder to get to where you wish if being an artist is your dream.”

The celebrated musician is committed to using his platform to foster unity and emit a positive message to those around him. Being conscious of music’s powerful ability on listeners, he’s devoted to ensuring that his work is remembered for its positive impression on people’s lives.

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