If you are like me, then you did not grow up around little kids. If you are like me, then you did not learn tips to be a better grown-up, around kids. Because of that, I did not even think I would be a dad one day.

I never learned how to manage emotions, or react to emotions from a little human.

But as a dad to a daughter and son, I have learned a lot over the years. The single most important tip that I can give you changes everything. As a dad, and as a photographer. It is interesting because this tip truly works in so many situations.

Are you sitting down? Because here it is…

My daughter on her bike - dad
My daughter on her bike

Get down to their level

Maybe you have heard this before. But if not, then hear me out.

My daughter at a birthday party - Dad
My daughter at a birthday party

If your child is frustrated and needs your guidance or comfort, then instead of standing over them and talking down, try something else. Get down to their level. Literally, squat down, or get on your knees so that your eyes are at the same height as theirs. Talk to them that way and see what a difference it makes.

The same goes for photography. Not only will being at their level make them more comfortable, but it also unlocks the potential for different compositions. You can now add more negative space, or textures in places you may not have otherwise.

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From my eye level

From a lower level

But also, you are now seeing things differently than you normally do as someone who usually is taller.

I do have some bonus advice, and that is to consider your mental health. Being a dad has its challenges. Being a photographer also has its challenges. Always consider your health and your family’s health above everything else. If needed, make necessary changes in your photography business to cope with mental health challenges in your life. For example, outsourcing your photo editing to Imagen can give you the time back to focus on what you love … like family time.

And if you’re a pet dad, this tip also works for pets too.

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Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

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