Strategies for the successful use of digital voice assistants

A personal message from the author:

Are voice assistants going to change the way we do marketing? It was in 2018 that I was asking myself this question while testing utterances for an weekly Alexa newsletter. At that time I was working as a Digital Marketing Manager for Amazon Fire Tablets in Europe and l got curious about the way Echo devices were going to impact marketing strategies.

In Germany, about one third of the population between the ages of 17 and 69 used such a tool in 2017. This not only creates new opportunities but also new challenges for businesses as the results of a voice search often only deliver a single result.​ How can businesses ensure the visibility of their product or brand regardless? Per my experience at Amazon, I know that big vendors like Microsoft, Sony, Electronic Arts, and many more, particularly fear that voice assistants don’t play advertisements. In fact, one question I was regularly asked by videogame vendors was “Can you make Alexa recommend the new edition instead of the old one?” or “Can you make Alexa recommend the bundle offer?”.

I started doing intensive research on the technology behind Alexa and testing different customer journeys on voice assistants. In 2019, I shared my learnings in my German book “Voice Search Marketing”.

After the success of my German book and multiple asks about an English translation, I’m happy to announce that my book “Voice Search Marketing” is finally available in English.

My book gives marketing managers and business leaders valuable strategies for the successful use of digital voice assistants in marketing. As Amazon Echo or Google Home devices gain popularity on a global scale, it becomes critical for businesses to understand the impact these devices will have in product design, marketing, branding and sales. My book shows how you can have voice assistants like Alexa and Google present your products so you no longer have to worry about your digital visibility.

— Patricia Gomes Fernandes

The application of digital voice assistants has been spreading in the US since 2015.

According to Patricia Gomes Fernandes, dealers particularly fear that voice assistants don’t play advertisements. For this reason, she explains how businesses best use applications for digital voice assistants. She offers recommendations for producers and dealers and shows how they can have voice assistants like Alexa present their products.

In this publication:

  • Online Marketing;
  • Amazon;
  • Advertising;
  • Voice Search Marketing;
  • Customer Journey

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