June is LGBTQ Pride Month. There are many ways, as photographers, we can contribute and help to celebrate the LGBTQ community. Here are eight.

1. Document the festivities

Everywhere across the globe there are festivals and parades. Head out and create great images showing the community spirit, creativity, love and friendship. You can find a list of events at GayPrideCalendar.com.

2. Be an ally

Whether or not you’re a photographer, be an ally. As a photographer, you can expand the services you offer by working with LGBTQ organizations if you’re not already. If you are a wedding photographer, consider adding LGBTQ-friendly sessions to your offerings.

Photo by Maico Pereira on Unsplash

3. Organize a photoshoot

While it’s not quite as tricky as it was in the past, finding comfortable and knowledgeable photographers about the LGBTQ community can still be a little difficult in some areas. Change that in your area by offering headshots or mini-sessions. Get to know the local LGBTQ people and let them know you’re there to support them.

4. Volunteer or donate

Give back to the community by supporting local LGBTQ organizations. Offer to photograph their events or donate prints to help raise funds for projects they are working on.

5. Use your photography to be an advocate

Maybe you’d like to go a step further and be an advocate. Photography has been used for decades as a way to bring awareness and support to many human rights issues and causes. Your images can help you voice your support.

LGBTQ pride
Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

6. Educate yourself

This applies to everyone. Do some research and find some of the photographers throughout history who were pioneers in the world of LGBTQ. Go back and look through the documentation and images of the Stonewall Riots that took place in 1969 New York.

7. Support LGBTQ art and culture

This should be a no-brainer for photographers. Attend gallery shows, and find and support other LGBTQ artists and musicians. Offer to teach photography to those in the community who are looking to learn.

LGBTQ pride
Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

8. Consider how you and your work are (or aren’t) inclusive

Do you and those who work with or for you promote LGBTQ inclusivity? Is there something you can do to make them feel more comfortable when working with you?

There are plenty of ways to learn about and support the LGBTQ community as photographers. In June and every month of the year.

What do you do? Do you have other ideas to share with us? Let us know in the Photofocus Community.

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