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Repeat value is such an important metric for new music and comes around so rarely days. Tracks are rushed in the studio just for metrics and proper audience develop and community are often over looked. Charlie Crown is a MASSIVE exception to this trend. Producing classy tracks that ouse dedication, time and moments of genius. ‘Just Say It’ is such a beautiful example. With emotional vocal and well written lyrics cushioned with intricate and soul binding melodies and harmonies. A well crafted track always kicks in from moment zero and Charlie has gone this track amazingly designed to hit the mark. Charlie has been doing some amazing ventures involving NFTs, crypto funding and also building his own coin. As a pioneer in the production and music space he is used to pioneering and breaking new ground so now he leads the way for indie artists in this space and its exciting to regularly chat to this guy to see what crazy new project he’s mastering.

Enjoy this insane track below, however, warning it is super super addictive!

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