On this episode of Clever, Amy Devers talks to sculptor and furniture designer Jonathan Trayte, a native of Yorkshire, UK, who spent his early childhood in a camper van with his family in rural southern South Africa. Back in the UK, his childhood was filled with weekend picnics in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, sparking his love for sculpture. He went to Canterbury for his BFA and worked in kitchens on the side, a job that continues to influence his work today. Jonathan graduated from the Royal Academy in Art and was quickly met with success around his bronze sculptures but was itching to experiment more. And experiment he certainly has – from collaborating with Kit Neale on a café commissioned by the British Fashion Council to creating a desert road-trip inspired show at Friedman Benda, he melds together materials, concepts and memories to create exceptional works of art. Listen:

Jonathan Trayte, Kula Sour, Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Jonathan Trayte

Jonathan Trayte, Atomic Double, 2020, Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Jonathan Trayte

Jonathan Trayte MelonMelonTangerine, 2019, Courtesy of Friedman Benda and Jonathan Trayte

Tropicana Christies, Courtesy of Jonathan Trayte

Tropicana Christies, Courtesy of Jonathan Trayte

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Jaime Derringer, Founder + Executive Editor of Design Milk, is a Jersey girl living in SoCal. She dreams about funky, artistic jewelry + having enough free time to enjoy some of her favorite things—running, reading, making music, and drawing.

You can follow Jaime Derringer on Twitter, and Instagram. Read all of Jaime Derringer’s posts.

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