A Gritty Guide to Finding Success In The Face Of Failure

Fired, robbed, divorced, and with two businesses down the drain, Chris Patrick was stuck on a one-way street of screwups and failures.

A personal message to readers:

Disasters To Dreams is for anyone that knows in their heart that there must be something more to life than what they’re getting now. Anyone that feels they have an inner greatness inside but doesn’t know how to let it out. And for anyone looking to let go of past failures and mistakes and see them for what they really are, building blocks toward your future success.

I wrote Disasters To Dreams because I’ve had a lot of awful shit happen to me and I wanted to let people know that just because life has kicked your ass repeatedly doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. That you are a better person for having gone through the shitstorm. And that you really can have anything you want in this lifetime.

— Chris Patrick 

The life he was leading wasn’t what he wanted—but sometimes, not getting what you want is exactly what you need.
Disaster to Dreams is the story of one man’s biggest catastrophes and greatest comebacks, but it’s also a story that demonstrates how amazing opportunities lie just on the other side of adversity—if you’re willing to do the dirty work and dig through defeat. Refreshingly candid, this tough-love and unfiltered self-improvement guide will motivate you to transform stress into stability, train wrecks into trophies, and disasters into dreams.

You’ll discover:

  • The ultimate personal growth mindset to help you create your own rules and master life-changing manifestation.
  • Interviews with entrepreneurs, full of inspiration to help you power through any obstacle.
  • How to swallow your “bad” pride and ask people for help—because sometimes finding your purpose takes some hand-holding.
  • Self-reflection exercises to unearth the seeds to future success in the dirt of your past.
  • A step-by-step business-booming process that can improve your subpar enterprise into a prosperous empire.

Build triumph on the foundation of failure. No path is a dead end, no matter how epic your mess of defeat.

Get Disasters to Dreams and prepare for a path of limitless opportunity in your perfect storm of success!

By admin

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