Memorial Day is coming up and there is so much for which to be thankful in America. For me, it all comes down to one thing — our freedoms! Gaining our independence and holding on to it was not an easy task as history has shown us.

Back in 1776, the Revolutionary War got the colonists thinking about their freedom from tyranny and enjoying basic rights.

War re-enactments

“Redcoats and Rebels” is an annual re-enactment of Revolutionary War activities. It has been held on the grounds of Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, MA. A few thousand men and women don period outfits and relive what it was like during the birth of our nation.

For me, I make sure I have a long focal length lens (100-400mm) for the battle scenes and 18-55mm for close and personal encounters with the characters in their camps. I post-processed these in color as the uniforms on both sides needed to be appreciated. I also seek out some of the officers to get a few for the location of the “battle” and other happenings.

Memorial Day
64th Drilling

Sure, the battle is exciting but the people in the camps, the drilling and the lifestyle make that skirmish most realistic for me. The lack of firearm accuracy made it necessary for combat to be up close …

Memorial Day
Close Quarters

As in all battles, there are the wounded and deceased. Homage to fallen heroes is shown at all re-enactments.

Memorial Day
Field Hospital


Less than one hundred years later our republic would be challenged again. This time it was internal as a Civil War broke out. Fathers would be battling sons; brothers found themselves facing off against brothers on the other side.

The “granddaddy of Civil War re-enactments” happens in Gettysburg. I have never caught this spectacle but I was able to photograph smaller ones in Massachusetts. For me, it means finding the names of some of the companies that dress for these events and then checking out their schedules. Common images from that era featured group shots. Processed in a sepia tone as would have been the look back then.

Memorial Day
2nd VA Volunteers

When the smoke cleared away, a victor would be seen with the colors waving …

Memorial Day
Union Pride

And, there would be a memorial service held on the battlefield.

Memorial Day
Paying Respect

The Collins Foundation in Massachusetts holds a “Battle for the Airfield” re-enactment each year on its grounds. Camps for the Germans and the Allies are set up and you are encouraged to walk through them and interact with the “soldiers.” The attention to detail in the uniforms, the equipment and the weapons was amazing and expensive.

These “living history” actors spend their own money for the uniforms and equipment. Each round from the tanks and the canons is an out-of-pocket expense!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day events

An annual event here in Massachusetts is putting flags on our fallen heroes at the Bourne National Cemetery. Members from my camera club assisted in the activity as well as getting memorable images of the people and their involvement.

Battle images were processed in black and white, as would have been the look from the war correspondents. Here a young boy scout is honored to place a flag on a World War II veteran.

Memorial Day
A Scout’s Honor

Let’s not forget the brave women who risked all to serve and never got the chance to raise their families:

A Mother’s Service

And, keeping the memory alive comes in many ways: the aforementioned re-enactments, the flagging of grave sites and cemeteries, and groups, such as those honoring our Fallen Heroes.

Proudly Worn

Editor’s note: Thank you to Photofocus Community member Joe Kennedy for sharing this Memorial Day tribute with us. Joe discovered the exciting and challenging world of digital photography back in 2005. Since then, he has invested his time and talents in local camera clubs hoping to better define who he can be photographically and to further refine those skills needed to feel a sense of accomplishment in the world of photography. All images are ©Joe Kennedy.

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