Fill Up on Hope with Self Love Notes

A personal message from the author:

Writing this book was a cathartic process. I learned new things about myself as well as the power of forgiving not only others but myself. Even though I possess deep strength, unresolved issues have influenced my thinking, drive, passion, goals, fears, and behaviors my entire life in both good ways and not-so-great ones.

Healing is a journey, and I accept that I may never complete it, but I am proud of myself for overcoming fear and making a choice to begin. The impact of trauma can be detrimental or channeled into something positive. I trust that my stories will encourage others to fully embrace their whole selves with unconditional self-love by sharing my perspectives.

The effects of adversity can permeate throughout your life, influencing your choices and decisions. It may also impact your family dynamic by setting up generational cycles if you let things go unchecked. Putting myself first by focusing on self-care and doing what I need to maintain positive well-being not only benefits me, but those who love me.

I hope that my thoughts, poetry, affirmations, quotes, and meditations will be useful to you as you grapple with whatever you are going through. Seeking growth and challenge requires courage. Please be kind to yourself.

— Michelle

Self Love Notes is a collection of uplifting poetry, affirmations, and quotes celebrating unconditionally loving ourselves. It not only inspires but also invites the reader to nurture their hearts with accepting compassion and gratitude.

This message encourages us to love and appreciate our whole selves, despite our flaws and self-defined inadequacies, yet continue to strive for growth. It is intended for those who need to be reminded of their self-worth and know that they are loved.

My beginning in life
has not been easy,
nor was it fair or pretty.
But I hold onto few regrets.

The rough road cast the armor
of my impervious shell,
creating a sustainable
updated version of me
that is nearly unbreakable.

For all of this, I am grateful.

–Impervious Shell

Organized in three chapters; Worth, Vision, and Uplift, this book is perfect for the self-doubter, overthinker, and anyone on a healing journey from past adversity.


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