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For a lot of artists hellbent on making a career in music, a debut album signifies a cornerstone moment in their career. Many have leapfrogged the old paradigm of creation and touring, opting for hit singles and club shows, while some take their time and focus on a cohesive body of work before hitting the road. Then, there’s Marc Straight, who already has a flourishing career as a video game dev and sound designer, and chose to work on his debut album for the last four years as a personal challenge to himself.

Four years is a long time for anything, but creating over these past four years, in particular, was particularly challenging. A global pandemic and plenty of personal trials and tribulations caused the album to undergo many changes, even in just the last few months before release.

Beauty in Transience, the title of the album, as well as the song titles, are clear nods to the emotions Marc has felt before, during, and perhaps even after production. ‘Morii,’ especially, has the meaning of the “desire to capture a fleeting experience. A bit like envisioning your life and wanting to press ‘pause’ to stop and feel more comfortable and rest in a world that is stuck on ‘play.’”

With his passion for melodic dubstep, Marc is able to convey complex emotions in a delicate yet powerful way that should have many listeners deeply connecting with his melodies and writing.

Marc Straight’s debut album, Beauty in Transience, is out now — listen below.

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