Kindle goes in two directions. There are people who simply love reading books on their devices, as well as people who just cannot be bothered. If you know someone who loves Kindle books, you probably know already how much they struggle trying to find books or new releases – they often settle for whatever is around.

The good news is you can now surprise a loved one with an incredible gift – Kindle unlimited subscriptions can now be purchased for someone else too. It is an excellent gift for book readers and the best part about it is you do not even have to leave the house for such a present. Your friend or family member will love the gift, while getting it done is a matter of minutes only.

How to gift Kindle Unlimited

There are a few steps to go through in order to gift Kindle Unlimited. The good news is they are relatively simple and straightforward. You can purchase this subscription for a loved one even if you have no experience at all. All in all, here are the steps to follow – keep in mind that gifting this subscription is slightly different than buying it for yourself.

1. Get an Amazon account. Kindle works under Amazon and you will need an account to gift Kindle Unlimited. If you use to shop on Amazon, you already have an account. If you have never done it before, simply sign up on the official website. The process is straightforward and only requires a confirmation. It is basically a matter of minutes only.
amazon kindle unlimited gift page2. Go to the Kindle Unlimited gift page. Again, this is not the regular sign up or login page you normally use for your Amazon shopping. Instead, this is a dedicated page for gifting. Once in there, you will be asked to login (if you aren’t already). Indeed, you can use the username and password associated with your Amazon account.

3. Select the subscription you want for the gift recipient. There are three different subscription options. You can go for the minimum one, which covers the recipient for half a year only. The middle option – and probably the most common one – goes for 12 months. If you want to go the extra mile, choose the 24 month option.

4. Move on to the next page and enter the recipient’s details. You do not need too many things here. You can choose the delivery date, meaning you can set the date at some point in the future – be it for Christmas, New Year or perhaps a birthday. You will also need to enter the recipient’s email address.

kindle unlimited gift options

5. The right hand side of the screen will also give you the option to personalize the gift. Practically, you can enter a message for your loved one. When it comes to the date, it can go up to a year in advance.

You can use a text something like:

Dear XY,

For your Christmas time I wish you many blessings, much happiness, and even more love!
With this Gift Card you can read and listen Kindle Unlimited books and audiobooks. I hope you will like it!

Merry Xmas!

6. Finally, you will need to make the payment. There are more options to pay when you gift Kindle Unlimited. Choose how you want to pay and place the order. A confirmation email will come within minutes only.

What is Kindle Unlimited?

Even though everyone knows what Kindle is and does, most people have no clue what Kindle Unlimited is. You might be surprised to find out that even Kindle readers may not be aware of such a subscription. To keep it simple, Kindle Unlimited allows the subscriber to borrow any book – unlimited amounts month by month.

There are more than a million titles in the Kindle collection and each of them can be borrowed for a good read. In other words, you have access to popular releases, as well as Amazon originals. The subscriber will also gain access to self-published authors too. If you know someone who is an avid reader, it is hard to think of something better than to gift Kindle Unlimited.

Now, you might be a bit confused about it because many companies do not allow passing subscriptions over or purchasing subscriptions as gifts. Sure, you can buy gift cards, but this is pretty much it. Kindle Unlimited can be purchased as a gift though, so there is nothing to be concerned about. There are a few simple steps to follow.

How Kindle Unlimited works

Now, how does Kindle Unlimited work? How do you know it actually makes a good gift? There are a few things you need to know about it in order to make a good decision. The best part about it? There are no due dates. There are no waiting lists whatsoever. If you see a title you want to read, you can get it straight away. You can keep it checked out for as long as you want too.

Another good thing about Kindle Unlimited is the fact that the subscriber can borrow up to 10 books at the same time. You can read as many books as you want, meaning you will need to return one in order to get another one. Sure, most people will not read 10 books simultaneously, but it is good to know that you have such a feature.

Some may think that getting more than 10 titles at the same time would be a plus. After all, who wants to be in a waiting list? Since Kindle Unlimited has no waiting lists, you can literally grab any book you want and read it straight away. You can forget about hoarding books just because you do not want to wait later on.

Will he or she need a Kindle device to use the gift?

Yes and no. It’s true that for best ebook reading experience a Kindle devices is the best choice. But Kindle Unlimited gift will be applied to an Amazon account and the Kindle reading library would be accessible from all of your devices of the recipient. Means if he or she has a smartphone or an Android tablet, maybe an iPad. She could just launch the Kindle app, login with his or her Amazon account and the library will be there, including the just received gift subscription.

How to redeem Kindle Unlimited

You have finally found the perfect gift for a loved one – you have the subscription details and everything is set. Unless the recipient is tech savvy, you might want to give them a few tips and instructions on how to redeem the gift. The gift will not be awarded straight away to their account, as they need to go through a few steps first.

The first step is finding the redeem button in the email message. If it is now showing, make sure the receiver’s email account shows pictures – some email clients hide pictures for security reasons. All in all, once the button is visible, ask the receiver to click on that button. A new page will open in the browser with further details.

At that point, the receiver has the option to choose what they want to do with the gift. There are two different options here. The first one implies loading up the gifted amount of months – be it six, 12 or 24. The months will be credited to their account. However, the receiver also has the option to exchange the gift for a gift card – the card will have the same value.

This is one of the major benefits of Kindle Unlimited. Even if the receiver does love to read, there might be other priorities in their life at this point. While they would love the free subscription, they might need other more important things. Amazon allows them to exchange the subscription for a gift card and use it for whatever they like. The possibility to exchange is great if the receiver already has a Kindle Unlimited subscription too.

Discounts and gift deals for Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited provides access to a few discounts, whether you get it for yourself or you want to gift Kindle Unlimited to a loved one. Just like for anything else, the more you buy, the more money you will save. However, it is worth noting that such offers are not continuous. They are more common around holidays and other celebrations. If there is no offer at the moment, simply wait until the last day.

Most commonly, you will get 20% off if you gift Kindle Unlimited for six months. Interested in a better gift? Get it for a year and you will get 33% off. Those who buy the subscription for 24 months are more likely to get about 40% off. Again, such offers may vary and could be on and off, so it is worth double checking upfront.

Some may believe that getting Kindle Unlimited is also possible with a gift card. It makes no difference where you got the gift card from – it might have come on your birthday. At the moment, Amazon does not allow using gift cards to purchase a Kindle Unlimited subscription. Instead, the card can be used for other things on Amazon.


Bottom line, the possibility to gift Kindle unlimited to an avid reader makes an amazing present for a loved one. You have multiple options when purchasing the subscription, just like the recipient has more options in terms of what to do with the gift. A few discounts and special offers could give you an excellent deal.

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