A personal message from the author:

Sometimes when I read a book and come across an author, close to my worldview, I feel such relief. For a moment, at least, that sense of loneliness but non-belonging passes. For all our life they’ve got to put us in some groups, models.., don’t they?! For we have to belong somewhere.

With this book, I share my world with you. I reveal to you my Self, my world and my theory of the world.
Behind the interesting and mysterious story is my story. I sincerely hope you feel comfortable in my company!

Thank you for getting acquainted with me!

–Èvelin Benà

There was a fine, cold drizzle outside. Boris was approaching the University’s imposing building when an unusual sight caught his attention. He had never seen so many bikes in one place before. It was his first student day and he didn’t feel quite confident. Following the flow of students he entered into the building. Time was flying and he had to find quickly the room where the first lecture would be. He read the programme on the Internet and now he looked at his phone, where he had saved it. He assumed it was on the second floor and after he climbed the stairs, he started to wander along the hallways.

The building seemed just as unwelcoming from the inside as it was from the outside but it was as if in tune with the frowning and humid weather… Those thoughts quickly flew away because he had to go in. The hall was a pretty big one – a typical amphitheatrical university aula. He had seen such one in Greece once, in a private school, but this one had quite impressive sizes. He expected there to be more people. Everyone sat tense and alienated. They were scattered on the benches. He glanced around and paused on some white hands that looked somehow as if they were transparent, somewhat tiredly relaxing on the faded surface of the benches. Immediately he imagined that they belonged to some small blond almost white-headed child from some Scandinavian country. . .

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