A personal message from the author:

I wrote this book because I saw my young daughter doing things that amazed me. From singing in public, boldly tap dancing on stages, and delivering a speech to over 1000 people, I was blown away at her courage.

I didn’t have that confidence at her age and I see many adults still playing it safe, and letting fear guide their way. Through my daughter and many others, I’ve come to learn the recipe for success includes supportive people, persistence and an openness to learn new things – one step at a time.

— Claudette McGowan

An accomplishment for most people is being really good at one thing. For Savannah McDougall, being able to master only one thing… was a sign of failure. Savannah quickly learns that success doesn’t come easy and it takes a lot more than a dream to achieve her goals.

Join Savannah on her journey as she discovers that amazing things can happen – even when life doesn’t go your way.

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