A personal message from the author:

Beef Witch You started as a simple, 1 short chapter writing prompt. I was working on my novel but the characters in this story kept demanding attention and then my mind was filled with what ifs. I decided to write a short story but by chapter 7 there were a few unresolved issues so it became a 10 chapter novella and 149 pages.

I had fun writing this story. I hope you will enjoy reading the first novella to come from my Forestdale world.

— Venis Nytes

Two witches, one huge beef.

Savanah Knighton, a human earth witch, moves to the witch suburb Forest Haven to hide her secret magical harvest.
Savanah is befriended by a real blood-born witch, Beatriz.

Their friendship, Savanah’s secret magical harvest, and Beatriz suddenly disappear. What in the broomsticks is going on? Will Savanah find more than her missing magical property? Follow the story to find out!

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