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Electro house and big room purveyors Record Club are continuing to impress the world with their songs and energy they provide. Last month, they released their electrifying single “After Dark” that packed a punch, reminiscent of the old Nicky Romero days but with a fresh twist that only Record Club could deliver.

Now, the duo are back with another massive track titled “Made Me Do It” that sonically continues to push the boundaries while remaining a banger for the both club and festival crowds. It showcases a beautiful progressive house of Record Club with a powerful vocal that keeps you hooked the entire two and a half minutes.

“The lyrics for ‘Made Me Do It’ serve as the cornerstone to our track because it is about how love can be a powerful force behind the decisions people make. Our love of progressive house music led us to start Record Club, and this track embodies the passion we have for this genre. When people listen to our track we want them to think all the times that they have embarked on a path in life that was guided by their love of someone or something.” – Record Club 

Listen below!

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