With Mother’s Day just around the corner, are you still stuck for cute and creative ideas for capturing the family and kids this year? Here are some super cute and creative photography ideas for Mother’s Day with little ones.

The present

I know it sounds simple, but giving the kids a present (even a fake one) will give them something to do. If they are old enough to take simple directions, this will work.

“Give Mommy a present.” More often than not kids will happily walk over to Mom and give her a present. Occasionally the cheeky ones might also pick up it’s a fake and throws it. But that is kind of cute and funny too! Flowers can work here as well, especially with boys.

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The kiss and cuddle

Along the same lines asking the kids to give mom a kiss and cuddle will often work too. Throw in a few tickles and you’ll soon see happy, smiling kids and moms.

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Snow angels

Got a little one who isn’t quite sitting yet, or one who is a little bit older who doesn’t want to be babied? Try some snow angels. I have a white rug I use on the floor and the kids all seem to love making snow angels. Regardless of their age. You might even get Mom to join in too!

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Whatever you do when working with little kids, keep it simple stupid (K.I.S.S.) and make it fun … photoshoots needn’t be lots of hard work. Even when everything doesn’t quite go according to plan, there are still photos to be had. And don’t forget to get creative with your photography ideas for Mother’s Day.

Want some more tips and tricks, check out this post on creating a boho Mother’s Day scene for families.

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