Florence Pugh’s Alice has a disturbing encounter in a new Don’t Worry Darling clip. Directed by Olivia Wilde, the drama thriller has not revealed much about the experimental utopian society Alice and her husband Jack, played by Harry Styles, live in. Don’t Worry Darling has only let on that things are not as they seem in the characters' perfect community, but that it could also all be in Alice’s head.

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In a new clip from Fandango, Pugh’s Alice has a terrifying incident interrupt her dance class with the other women from the mysterious community. A woman in the mirror appears and mimics Pugh until suddenly smashing her head through the wall and shattering the glass. She then seemingly disappears. However, it may not have even been real. The rest of the dance class looks at Pugh startled as she screams, bringing into question either the mental state of Alice or a possibly sinister conspiracy.

While the drama of the Don’t Worry Darling cast has created lots of interest in the movie, early reviews have been less than stellar, with most of the phrase going to Pugh's performance. Pugh does seem to be a highlight of the movie, with her acting prowess making the thrilling new scene even more mysterious and scary. Wilde’s directorial chops are also on display in the clip, with choreographed overhead shots of the dancers accompanied by an eerie chant that grows louder throughout. Hopefully, these factors combined can result in a better film than what early reactions have implied.

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