My gallery client said, “I tried 15 different times to shoot this art! All of them are horrible. Can you help?” And, of course, the answer is yes.

Photographing Crystal

Photographing crystal art is challenging. It’s a reflective surface that shows everything that it sees. This piece also has a crystal cube with colors suspended inside which is its own can of worms. My client shared that he kept seeing himself in the reflection in addition to the piece looking ‘flat.’ As always it comes down to proper lighting and staging of the art.

Photographing crystal — the set

I initially was going to go for dramatic lighting on a black background. I quickly dispensed with that idea as the crystal was picking up dark reflections from the surroundings. I switched over to a white seamless background.

photographing crystal set
LED flashlight and Lume Cube light the set through diffusion panels.

Lighting set and product

The crystal was flanked with white diffusers which were lit from behind. This gave a nice simple clean white set with a little dimension. I used an LED flashlight and an LED light cube. A slightly higher camera angle with the subject turned a little to the side showed that the art is a cube. The main light was also an LED flashlight shined from camera right to give final illumination and cast a dramatic shadow and reflected light adding depth and dimension to the scene.

lighting tools on photographing crystal set
Platypod eXtreme, available through a Kickstarter, was used to support Westcott 20-inch reflector diffusion panel, Lume Cube, Platypod gooseneck supports and Mini Super Clamp.

When in doubt experiment

crystal sculpture by jon kuhn
Client final crop and used for gallery website and social media posting. Product — $14,000 crystal cube by Jon Kuhn available at Gallery of Modern Masters, Hillside Sedona complex in Sedona, AZ.

I played with a few different lighting ideas before coming up with the final combination. Use one light at a time to see the effect. Then build in the next light, and make adjustments so the two work together. Then add the final light. I recommend going into any commercial shoot, especially photographing crystal, with an open mind.

Yours in Creative Photography, Bob

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