Reed Richards' presence in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness implies that one character who could end the Multiverse Saga also exists somewhere in the MCU's Earth-838 – Franklin Richards. The son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, Franklin is an Omega-level mutant with the power to change reality. After several incursions threatened to destroy the Multiverse entirely, Franklin literally shaped universes in order to help restore it, potentially signposting the perfect multiverse ending.


Because of his backstory and how his cosmic powers work, Franklin Richards might be the most distinctive overpowered superhuman archetype in Marvel's modern roster. After helping save the Multiverse, Franklin lost his powers, and then tried but failed to regain them with the help of Doctor Doom. Franklin also found out from Professor X that he's not actually a mutant – the mutation gene was only present in his DNA because he subconsciously altered it at a molecular level when he was still very young. Curiously, back when Franklin's parents struggled to find someone who could take care of a baby with god-like powers, it was the centuries-old witch Agatha Harkness who became Franklin Richards nanny.

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If Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness really did secretly reveal that Franklin exists in the MCU, then the Multiverse Saga may already have its ending. While the death of Reed Richards may seem to set Franklin up as a villain in the MCU, making Franklin the long-term savior of the multiverse – and the one to reset it – would be a way better adaptation of the character. In the end of MCU Phase 6, Franklin could use his father's death as a lesson for why the boundaries between universes need to be controlled, establishing a "fixed" version of the Multiverse out of the ashes of Secret Wars.

Why Franklin Richards Is Better As A Hero Than A Villain

Doctor Strange 2 Secretly Set Up The Perfect Multiverse Ending

If Marvel hopes to repeat or exceed the success of the Infinity Saga in Avengers: Secret Wars, the MCU's future needs to include a heroic Franklin Richards. Apart from how he saved the Multiverse, Franklin's backstory was practically written for the MCU. For starters, Reed had to steal the Cosmic Rod of Annihilus as a source of anti-matter energy just to save Sue from the complications of being pregnant with Franklin. When Annihilus then kidnapped Franklin and tried to use the baby's powers, Annihilus lost control, and Reed had to use an anti-matter weapon to place Franklin in a coma – preventing his baby from unleashing a psionic blast that would've killed everyone in the solar system. Later, after Reed and Sue were kidnapped and tortured by Mephisto and Franklin was trapped inside a crystal, Doctor Strange freed Franklin, after which the baby destroyed Mephisto in seconds. As a child, Franklin not only resurrected Galactus, but also fought off Celestials by causing flowers to grow inside them. If the MCU's Celestials are villains, Franklin would be one of the very few characters who can actually take them on single-handedly.

Although Doctor Strange 2's brutal murder of Reed Richards and Franklin's comic book history could also lay the foundations for the rise of the perfect MCU Phase 7 villain, Franklin needs to be a hero first, which can happen in MCU Phase 6. Through Scarlet Witch, the MCU already showed the darkest side of having cosmic and immeasurably colossal powers. Franklin Richards can serve to show the other side of the coin – how a child with mostly good intentions can deal with omnipotence and use it for stopping instead of causing tears in reality. Alongside Wong, Doctor Strange, and possibly Agatha Harkness, Franklin actually has the powers to reverse the effects of Multiverse incursions, which are bound to multiply as the Multiverse Saga sets up Secret Wars and Battleworld.​​ That said, it might be equally interesting to see how Franklin could begin as a villain hunting down every variant of the Scarlet Witch. In any case, with Secret Wars being on the horizon, the Multiverse Saga needs Franklin Richards.

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