Books, Mental Health and Me

A personal message from the author:

I had a mental breakdown in 2015 and was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I struggled to carry out simple everyday tasks and I also was unable to leave the house. I had Agoraphobia. I started writing a journal and turned to my favourite books for comfort and hope. And it sort of took off. The writing in my journal everyday kept me going and gave me something to focus on. I have always read since I could pick up a book basically! And I have written stories since I was little. I used to make them into little books and design the front covers. The writing of crazy bookworm took about a year. I started writing it just before the COVID pandemic. I was furloughed from my job as a medical rep so it gave me more time to write.

I am hoping it is an inspiration and comfort for any mental health sufferers to show that you can get through even the dark days. But also for anyone who have lost their way in life. I’ve always wanted to write a book and finally I have done it! I started writing in my journal daily as I was going through this awful time and then I thought in 2020 as I had more time and felt ready to do it then it would be good to try and put it into a book. I started writing it and it did change a lot to include research I found on the internet so it contains self help stuff as well. In the book I have included some of my favourite books that I turned to at the time. I used their stories and characters as a way to help to guide me through that awful time. The characters gave me inspiration that even in the terrible times you can survive and even thrive. I loved writing it and hope to have more books published in the future.

— Becky Powell

Even in the darkest moments, life can still be beautiful…..

Describing herself “as just your average Jo Bloggs” this is Becky Powell’s true story of one of the most challenging times in her life.

Diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression and struggling to leave the house, she begins writing a journal…

“ I can’t recall the exact moment that the darkness caught up with me and my thought patterns started to shift dramatically. At first it was a niggle, like a tiny crack in a vase that you don’t notice as long as you don’t focus on it for too long. But as the days passed, I started to notice it more.
Then one day the tiny crack shattered the vase into a million pieces. My brain experienced a severe chemical imbalance … and my whole world tipped on its side.”

Written with both humour and candour The Crazy Bookworm is part memoir and part self help guide. Whether you are a fellow sufferer or supporting someone with mental health issues this book will offer hope, understanding and comfort.

“I wanted people to know they are not alone, and it’s ok to be open and honest about mental health. I think it is still thought of in quite a negative light and definitely not talked about enough. I’m hoping my book will change some of those thoughts.”

Read online The Crazy Bookworm by Becky Powell

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