Controlling Our Thoughts Equals Victory

A personal message from the author:

As a Tutor, I realized that a lot of people did not have control of their thinking and the thoughts, I often found myself correcting how to think, and as a Spiritual person I decided to write about it.

King Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived said, ‘As a Man thinks in his heart so is he,’ meaning that we are products of our thoughts. Therefore, as humans we have a right and wrong way of thinking. It is time we take our power back by taking full ownership of our thinking and our thoughts.

People often suffer in life due to a lack of knowledge; we do better when we know better.

The principle that controls our thinking is a Spiritual law, hence it applies to every human being on the face of the earth.

This piece of literature is to help us as individuals learn about the mysteries that govern human thinking/thoughts, take corrective actions where need be, and see more Success and Victories in our endeavors.

— Daniel Elijah Joseph

Do you want to see more success and victories in your life? It’s time to learn the mysteries that govern human thinking and thoughts.

King Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived said, “As a Man thinks in his heart so is he,” meaning that we are products of our thoughts. Therefore, as humans we have a right and wrong way of thinking. It is time we take our POWER back by taking full ownership of our thinking and our thoughts.

People often suffer in life due to a lack of knowledge; we do better when we know better.

The principle that controls our thinking is a Spiritual law, hence it applies to every human being on the face of the earth.

This piece of literature is to help us as individuals learn about the mysteries that govern human thinking/thoughts, take corrective actions where need be, and see more Success and Victories in our endeavors.

Read online How Controlled Thinking Can Bring Us Positive Results by Daniel Elijah Joseph

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