Yawn. Oh, sorry. Just me, being bored with my images. 

Are you ever bored with your images?

I was out the other day, in downtown Chicago. One of my favorite places to explore with the camera. It was a lovely day and I got to spend time with a photographer friend I hadn’t seen in over three years.

But. Why does there have to be a but here? I keep looking at my images and I just feel bored. Yes, I have some that I know are worthy of editing. And, there are plenty of architectural images which I like too. I just don’t feel like editing them. 

Nothing really made me go “Oooo I have to post-process this NOW.” To be quite honest, I’ve felt that way about most of my images. Not just lately either. Even going back through epic trips and photos from days I know I had good shots. So, I’m thinking maybe it’s not my images, maybe I’m just bored with post-processing them. Completely and totally uninspired to work on them.

bored with my images


Am I the only one who ever felt this way? I kind of doubt it but I’m at a bit of a loss for what to do about it. My images need to be processed, website galleries need to be updated with new work and new work needs to be uploaded and shared to the places I sell and license it.

Having a reason to process the photos helps. If someone called me right now and asked me for a certain photo, I’d be on it immediately. Need a few images for an article or blog post, ok, I can do that. But processing just to get them processed, nope. Not going to happen without a struggle.

How do I get past this? I know just doing things sometimes helps us push through and get back on track. It doesn’t seem to be working very well in this case. Putting ‘edit my images’ on the calendar or in my planner doesn’t work either. If I’m not feeling it, it ain’t happening. 

bored with my images

Here at Photofocus, we’re usually the ones giving you the tips, tricks and tutorials. Well, this article is asking for your input, your methods of helping yourself feel like doing the work you need to do. How do you get in “editing mode” when you really don’t feel like working on your images?

Let’s discuss this in the Photofocus Community, shall we?

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