Are you curious about whether you should be investing in cryptocurrencies?

There are over 4000 cryptocurrencies in existence, so how do you know where to start? Or whether you should start at all?

Even if you have already invested in cryptocurrencies or you are just thinking about it, you need to know what the facts are. You want to make the best investment decision you can, separated from the social media hype.

Cryptocurrencies: Ponzi Schemes, Bubbles and Bitcoin presents an independent viewpoint and considers the facts behind cryptocurrencies, their utility and suitability as investments.

There are risks involved with investing your hard earned money into cryptocurrencies. The rosy picture painted in popular culture doesn’t always reflect the reality that exists beneath the surface. Don’t fall victim to the Ponzi schemes and speculative bubbles. Arm yourself with the knowledge to avoid the scams and make the best decisions you can.

Cryptocurrencies: Ponzi Schemes, Bubbles and Bitcoin considers:

  • The most notorious Ponzi schemes and their similarities to cryptocurrencies
  • The difference between currencies and cryptocurrencies
  • Common myths about cryptocurrencies. Separating facts from fiction.
  • Common cryptocurrency investment scams
  • The biggest market bubbles of the past and how they relate to the cryptocurrency market
  • How it could come to an end

Look beneath the surface into the world of cryptocurrency investing. Ponzi schemes will be exposed, market bubbles will be popped and the “get rich quick” promises will be torn apart.

Don’t get caught up in the hype, read Cryptocurrencies: Ponzi Schemes, Bubbles and Bitcoin!

Read online Crypto Currencies by Alastair Dorsett

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