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It is always a special moment to find a total festival anthem and today we have found such a tune in the latest Doctor Neiman, ‘Alive’. This track features powerful driving guitars, cutting synths and the spell binding vocals of Micah Martin. ‘Alive’ packs a hell of a punch and delivers on all levels with two distinct drops.

Commenting on the story behind this release Doctor Neiman states:

“After defeating the zombie horde and their empress Zavora, Queen of the Damned, a weary Doctor Neiman rode his black steed through the Valley of Shadows. As he came upon a treacherous turn, fire flashed from the ground, and there stood a demon.

‘Announce thyself and perform the greatest song of all time, traveler. Or I shall claim thine soul!’ spat the demon.

Doctor Neiman dismounted his trusty steed, Cornelius, unsheathed his iPhone X, tapped at it a few times and held it aloft.

I am Doctor Neiman, the Dubstep Dad, AND THIS IS ALIVE!”

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